Friday, March 24, 2017

Business as Usual? 2017 Leadership Announcement. DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership

Business as usual, or shall we see a massive campaign program for all faith-based entities to move CERT, and other community engagement programs forward especially in our (African Descent), and other communities of color (Latina, Middle Eastern, and other immigrant communities).

CDS CEO Black Emergency Managers Association International

March 23, 2017

MEMORANDUM FOR:        DHS Center Partners

FROM:                                    DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DHS Center)
SUBJECT:                              Leadership Announcement

This month Rev. Jamie Johnson was appointed by President Donald Trump to FEMA as the Director of the Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The DHS Center is one of 13 centers in the federal government affiliated with the White House Office of Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships. The DHS Center works to prepare faith-based institutions and community organizations to effectively respond to emergencies and natural disasters, as well as to help combat human trafficking and the exploitation of the poor and vulnerable.

Before accepting his presidential appointment, Rev. Johnson worked for many years in international humanitarian relief, helping charities provide food, water, clothing, and medical care to those suffering from natural disaster, famine, and poverty. Rev. Johnson holds a B.A. in theology from Bethany Global University and an M.A. in public policy from Regent University School of Government. Rev. Johnson and his wife Janis have been married for 30 years and have six children.

The DHS Center welcomes Rev. Johnson to the team and looks forward to continuing its mission and valued partnerships.  Please take a moment to visit our website at to learn more about our mission and resources that can help your community.  We are proud to serve the American people before, during and after disasters. 

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