hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 9th from 3-4:30pm ET. The
presentation may provide some great insight on partnerships and features
organizations with whom you may be working – American Red Cross and CERT. All
of the details may be found below.
Webinar: Local Partnerships Between the
American Red Cross and CERT
The American Red Cross and Community
Emergency Response Teams (CERT) serve communities throughout the United States
in a variety of ways before, during, and after emergencies. But while both
programs accomplish a great deal individually, they can do even more when they
work together. As partners, CERT and American Red Cross programs and volunteers
can work to advance their mutual goals of increasing the preparedness and
resilience of local neighborhoods and communities and offering vital assistance
and support in the aftermath of disasters.
FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Division invites you to join a
webinar that showcases successful partnerships between local American
Red Cross regions and CERT programs. Three
sets of American Red Cross and CERT programs serving three unique jurisdictions will discuss how they are working together to
make their communities safer, stronger, and more resilient. Presenters will
share how they established their partnerships, what lessons they learned from
the experience, and how their collaboration benefitted their programs and
communities. The webinar will conclude with a question and answer session.
Title: Local Partnerships Between the American Red Cross and
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. (ET)
This webinar will feature American Red Cross and CERT guest speakers from
the following jurisdictions:
- Delaware County, PA
- Denver, CO
- Detroit, MI
How to Join the Webinar:
hope that you will be able to join us on September 9! If you can’t make it, we
will be posting the recording, transcript, and slide deck of the presentation
on this page, under “Citizen Corps Partners/Affiliates”: http://www.ready.gov/preparedness-leader/webinar-library. You can also view our most
recent webinar on including people with disabilities and others with access and
functional needs in CERT training at: https://icpd.adobeconnect.com/p1onuoh5wic/.