Highly recommend both training
courses for community level nonprofits, faith-based organizations to
attend. CERT training at the county, city, neighborhood level is the
key to establishing resiliency and sustainability in our community. Each level has different requirements and
needs, and FUNDING opportunities
Having two to four members from
your community to attend the program manager and train-the-trainer courses
will ensure that your neighborhood program is off to a good start.
CERT team concepts are being practiced in the Caribbean and
promoted by emergency managements agency\offices of members of the CDEMA
(Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency).
Plan now to attend. One family, one neighborhood and community at
a time. Only
we can resolve our issues, in our communities.
2015 Training Dates
Course Name: E0427 Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT) Program Manager
17-18, 2015
This course prepares participants to establish and sustain an
active local CERT program.
Course Name: E0428 Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT) Train-the-Trainer
9-11, 2015
This course prepares participants to deliver FEMA’s CERT Basic
Training course.