Friday, July 4, 2014

Why Business Schools Fail to Produce Innovators

Eric J. Romero, PhD: Professional Speaker

>>>>>>>>>>>> Unconventional Leadership Badass <<< Rebel, Innovate & Win! >>>

Why Business Schools Fail to Produce Innovators

What do Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Tony Hsieh, Herb Kelleher, Walt Disney, Anna Wintour, George Lucas, Guy Laliberté, Jeff Bezos, and many otherunconventional leaders have in common? 
They didn’t attend business school. In fact, many didn’t even attend or finish university. It’s no accident that innovative ideas seldom come from business schools. Business schools are built to create bureaucratic, risk averse managers who can’t think outside the box. In fact, business schools do much to create and perpetuate The Box!
How can this be? 
Business professors all over the world teach the same old ideas the same old way…boring PowerPoint lectures! They often use slides provided by textbook publishers, so everyone uses the same slides. These poor souls are incapable of adding any value to their boring lectures; no insights or original ideas. The result is no new ideas are taught. There is no incentive to innovate teaching.
Professors are not rewarded for being relevant to practicing managers. If a professor were to publish a best selling leadership book, he or she would not be rewarded. Only peer-reviewed academic journal articles count. Most business schools focus on publishing research that no one reads. Here is a sample of papers presented at the 2014 Academy of Management conference:
  • The linearity of Words and Oppressions of Linearity: Mapping, Dreaming and Imagining of Workplaces
  • Becoming an Intellectual Shaman: Tackling Big Ideas Around Social, Ecological, and Economic Issues
  • Wordplays of the Self: Narrative, Discourse, Power and the Hard Work of Identity
  • Being There/Being Them: Stages of Entry, Exit, and In-Between in Organizational Ethnography
Tens of thousand of dollars were spent to produce and present these …THINGS! It’s not surprising that executives don’t attend academic conferences; nor do they read irrelevant academic articles or books. It’s almost impossible for faculty focused on such nonsense to be good teachers. Even when they research relevant issues, they often choose subjects already understood (ex. motivation), so their research provides no value to anyone. 
Business professors are so clueless when it comes to the real business world, they seldom get paid for their ideas in terms of consulting and speaking.
Soaring Tuition, So What?
The focus on research also results in unsustainable economics. To support the research fantasy, schools spend enormous sums sending faculty to academic conferences (aka, vacations). Additionally, the more research professors do, the less they teach, which means more faculty must be hired to teach. Keep in mind that business faculty are some of the most expensive instructors at universities, and many only teach 3 or 2 courses per semester. 
Small classes also increase expenses in a similar manner; more professors must be hired. Classes are made smaller, not to improve teaching (which it doesn’t), but to make it easier for professors to teach and grade … so classes get smaller and smaller and smaller. Add to this the lavish 3+ months of paid vacation and periodic sabbaticals (one whole year of paid vacation), and it’s no surprise university education is so expensive. 
However, no matter how much tuition they charge, it’s still not enough to cover their ridiculous costs.
If tuition goes up much faster than inflation and students have tens of thousands in debt plus no job, professors don’t care. To make this Rube Goldberg system work, business schools resort to a combination of begging and Ponzi scheme financing (they call it “fund raising”) to meet their ever increasing spending. 
Could you imagine any company asking for donations from former customers (alumni), foundations, government, etc. to fund its current operating costs? That would be called INSANITY, but this is just what business schools do every day!
The Easy Life
Universities exist for professors, not students. They are built for professors to have a nice, easy and safe job. In fact, except in very rare cases, professors with tenure cannot be fired. That’s right, tenured professors have a job for life, no matter how bad they teach. If what they teach and research has nothing to do with the real world, that is ok … they live in an academic make believe world that is well insulated from reality. 
Their self-serving approach extends into every aspect of operations. At any store or restaurant, the best parking is reserved for customers. 
At universities, the faculty, who happen to be employees, reserve the best parking for themselves. Despite paying tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of attending college, students get the worst parking … plus they have to pay for parking too! 
Do businesses close for 3 months per year, plus take a few more weeks off for spring and winter breaks? 
Of course not … businesses are built to serve their customers. Universities take all this time off, plus all holidays everyone else gets. Who cares if students need to graduate and start working, let them wait. If that isn't enough, most professors only teach 9 hours per week. 
At research universities, it is even less, 6 or 3 hours per week. Some professors, if they are really good at publishing useless research, rarely teach, if at all.
For over 16 years I have witnessed all this silliness. I have taught business courses at the executive, PhD, masters and undergraduate levels at universities in the United States, Brazil, France, Peru, Thailand, Singapore, Portugal, Mexico, India, Switzerland, China, Estonia, Sweden, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, and Germany. As AVP for Research at AACSB (business school accrediting body), I learned much about the business education industry; in particular how commoditized it is. 
Not only are schools mostly the same, but they are designed to produce conventional thinking managers (not leaders) who are incapable of innovation. My years of freelance teaching around the world has confirmed this fact. Stay tuned for my proposal for a school of leadership that will produce innovative leaders.

Eric J. Romero, PhD is an Unconventional Leadership Badass. For over 15 years, Eric has helped managers become unconventional leaders. Eric partners with leaders to help them create competitive advantage based on creativity, flexibility and risk-taking so they can innovate and win. Eric has written over 35 articles and presented his ideas around the world. 
Originally from New York City, his presentations are delivered with a sense of humor, 100% unedited honesty and street smarts. 
For more information go

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Four Ways to Build a Bee-Friendly Neighborhood

If you've got that acre of land, no problem in establishing one bee hive.  

What a way to get your kids involved in a family project.  Another chore that benefits the family (honey), and gets them started in the environment.  "Suit them up!".

I've always felt that local honey was the best remedy for allergies from trees, and other plants.

YES! Magazine

Four Ways to Build a Bee-Friendly Neighborhood

Concerned neighbors are a common bane of urban beekeepers. But there are ways to sweeten the deal for them.

This article originally appeared at
Bee on a Sunflower
Editor's note: If you're thinking about setting up your own beehives, there are a few problems that can come up. One of the most common among urban beekeepers is resistance from neighbors—the folks next door may be afraid of your bees, or they may be in the habit of regularly dousing their yards with pesticides.
As beekeeper Lindsay Williamson of North Carolina wrote on herblog at, "When I first got into beekeeping, I worried a lot about neighbors and how they might react. Being a beginner, I worried that the bees might give them a reason to get upset."
Now Williamson offers four sweet tips that will turn apprehensive neighbors into your hives' personal cheerleading team.

1. Set your hives up early

One of the best tips I received while attending bee school was to set my hives up a month or two before I would install my bees. This allows an opportunity for nervous neighbors to voice their concerns, while giving you the opportunity to start a conversation about bees and assure them there is absolutely no threat (there aren't even bees in those hives yet!). You can even give them a look at a hive and explain how it works. After all this, they probably won't even notice when the actual bees arrive.

2. Educate your neighbors about bees if they ask

I was pleasantly surprised to realize that most of my neighbors weren’t afraid of the bees as much as they were curious. At this point, most people have heard at least a little something about the plight of the bees and are interested in learning more. It’s a good idea to keep an extra veil and pair of gloves around if you can, and invite curious neighbors to get a closer look.

3. Ask for their cooperation

So many people are so used to spraying fertilizer, weed killer, pesticides, etc., that they don’t think or know about the harm it can do to people, animals and pollinators like bees. In fact, where I live, (much to my frustration) some people seem to consider regularly dousing their grass in chemicals to be an essential quality if you’re to be considered a good neighbor.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to make the person next door stop using harmful chemicals. But you can have a friendly conversation with them asking them to give you a 24-hour heads-up if they’re planning to spray something or get a regular visit from the exterminator (shudder). Chances are, if you ask kindly and explain that it will give you a chance to close your bees up for a day (which has to be done the night before) they’ll happily agree and it might even get them thinking about their lawn care practices without you having been confrontational, rude or preachy.

4. Give them honey

This is a very important step in having bee-friendly neighbors! A free jar of honey every so often goes a long way in making your neighbors feel positive and possibly even somewhat invested in the health and success of your hives. Everybody loves honey and it’s the best way to thank a friendly neighbor for their help and cooperation. After all, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
For more practical beekeeping tips, check out Beekeeping Basics at

Lindsay Williamson wrote this article for, where it originally appeared.
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Boko Haram in prespective. Washington Diplomat: Ex-Envoy Sounded Alarm on Nigeria Long Before #BringBackOurGirls

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ex-Envoy Sounded Alarm on Nigeria Long Before #BringBackOurGirls

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This spring, as news of the abduction of nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls by the radical Islamic group Boko Haram spread throughout the world, many Americans were riveted by the sensational story and finally woke up to the carnage that has bedeviled Africa’s most populous country for years.
Photo: Council on Foreign Relations
Eventually, every major U.S. news network covered the brazenly frightening kidnapping and a new hashtag, #BringBackOurGirls, exploded across social media, attracting the attention of celebrities, members of Congress and even first lady Michelle Obama.
Fast forward three months.
The Nigerian schoolgirls — abducted in protest of their “Western” education and threatened to be sold off for as little as $12 — are still missing. Nigerian officials have issued conflicting accounts on efforts to rescue the girls, only reinforcing impressions of the government’s impotence and incompetence.
Meanwhile, Boko Haram, in its ongoing campaign to impose strict Islamic Sharia law on the country, has escalated its murderous rampages, slaughtering hundreds in early June after its members posed as a Nigerian military unit sent to protect villagers. Reports have also surfaced of at least two other mass kidnappings of girls (and boys) since April. Other spectacular attacks have reached deep into the capital of Abuja, far from the group’s stomping ground in the northeast. In all, Boko Haram has killed at least 4,000 people in the last four years, Christians and Muslims alike, and driven over half a million more from their homes.
Boko Haram’s reign of terror no longer dominates global newscasts, but American officials and African experts continue to pay close attention to the Islamic group that threatens the stability of Africa’s largest economy.
John Campbell, who served as U.S. ambassador to Nigeria from 2004 to 2007, is among the world’s foremost experts on Nigeria and has been sounding the alarm about its problems for years. Campbell’s 2010 book “Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink,” reprinted last year, explores the country’s precarious political state, as well as the radical Islamic violence plaguing the country’s northern sections. Now a senior fellow for Africa policy studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, Campbell told The Diplomat in an interview at CFR’s downtown office that Boko Haram wants to create a breakaway Islamic state in the religiously mixed country of 170 million people where Muslims make up the majority in the north while Christians dominate the south.
Although Boko Haram — whose name, loosely translated from the Hausa dialect, means “Western education is forbidden” — is comprised of Islamic radicals, its agenda is different than other anti-Western jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda or the Taliban. In fact, some experts say the highly splintered group is inspired as much by opportunistic banditry and local grievances as it is by religious ideology.
“Boko Haram is a product of uniquely Nigerian factors and its focus is on the destruction of the Nigerian government,” Campbell explained. “It doesn’t have an international focus and it is not part of an international jihad. But its rhetoric is becoming increasingly anti-American, particularly as we are more and more associated with the Jonathan government.”
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has drawn intense criticism for his handling of the crisis. He refused to acknowledge the schoolgirl kidnappings for weeks (while his wife ordered the arrest of protesters pleading for the girls’ return) — a symptom of the president’s longstanding reluctance to forcefully confront Boko Haram.
Photo: UN Photo
A rally in Lagos calls for the return of nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls abducted in April by the extremist group Boko Haram, which has terrorized northern Nigeria in its campaign to impose strict Islamic Sharia law on the country.
That reticence stems in part from the country’s delicate, ethnically dictated political balance. The presidency traditionally alternates between a Christian and a Muslim to keep religious rivalries in check. Jonathan, a Christian southerner, took power in 2010 after the death of his Muslim predecessor. Some say he’s breaking this informal gentleman’s agreement by running for re-election in 2015.
As a result, even though he declared a state of emergency in the north, Jonathan has seemed hesitant to wage open war against Boko Haram, perhaps for fear of alienating the region’s Muslim majority. Some segments of Nigeria’s security forces, whose political loyalties are dubious, may even want to see Jonathan fail.
Whatever the case, the military’s reputation is not much better than the president’s. After the schoolgirl kidnappings, reports surfaced that the military knew about the attack in advance but did nothing to stop it. Other news reports indicate that some members have provided arms and information to Boko Haram. The Nigerian armed forces have long been criticized for being too disorganized, disinterested, ill equipped and corrupt to confront the extremist group. Some blame the military’s heavy-handed campaign of retribution, including arbitrary detentions and “disappearances,” for fueling the insurgency in the north.
This record of human rights abuses has kept the United States from cooperating with Nigeria’s army more closely in the past. But the recent violence seems to have changed the calculus. President Obama has deployed a group of U.S. officials to aid in the search for the missing schoolgirls, along with drones to patrol northeastern Nigeria, a move Campbell likened to searching for a needle in a haystack.
“Don’t hold your breath on what surveillance cameras can actually find,” he warned of the heavily forested terrain. “The territory involved is larger than all the New England states combined.”
And despite the global outrage, Campbell said the world’s last remaining superpower is highly unlikely to send American troops to Nigeria.
“Can you imagine the level of support for that after Afghanistan or Iraq?” he asked, instead suggesting that the United States engage in intelligence sharing and military training.
“What I would like to do is try to build [support] for targeted humanitarian assistance in the north. The number of internally displaced citizens is very large. A governor of a northern state told me he had 2 million of them in his state. Now that would be an extremely soft number but clearly there are a lot of displaced citizens,” Campbell said.
“We are quite good at humanitarian assistance through medicine, and in terms of countering the narrative that the United States is at war with Islam, those bags of beans that say, ‘These are a gift from the U.S.,’ that helps and we’re good at it.”
Nigeria could use the help. Even though it recently overtook South Africa as the continent’s largest economy after a statistical re-evaluation, Nigeria has been chronically mismanaged since its independence in 1960. It has failed to spread its oil windfall to the bulk of its people, notably in the undeveloped north. In fact, poverty has actually increased despite steady GDP growth, with more than 60 percent of the population living on less than $1 dollar a day as of 2010. Boko Haram gained a foothold by denouncing the rampant corruption that has fueled resentment in the north, where male unemployment exceeds 50 percent.
The Obama administration has no intention of sending boots into this cauldron of economic disparity and ethnic strife. Likewise, President Jonathan refuses to consider foreign troops on his soil.
But some very influential Americans contend more should be done.
“If they knew where they were, I certainly would send in U.S. troops to rescue them, in a New York minute, without permission of the host country,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said shortly after the girls were abducted.
That prompted a sharp rebuke from Nigeria’s ambassador in Washington, Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye,who advised McCain’s “well-paid staff to brief him properly on Nigeria and accord our country as well as the office of the president the respect they deserve.”
UN Photo / Mark Garten
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan holds a press conference at U.N. headquarters in New York in 2011. Some Nigerians have criticized Jonathan for what they say is a weak response to the barrage of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram in recent years.
Hillary Clinton has also come under fire because as secretary of state, she refused to place Boko Haram on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations after the group bombed the U.N. headquarters in Abuja in 2011.
But Johnnie Carson, assistant secretary for African affairs at the time, defended the decision, saying such a listing would’ve conferred legitimacy on Boko Haram, possibly sparked retaliation against Western interests, and diverted attention from the homegrown nature of the group’s complaints.
The State Department did eventually list Boko Haram and an offshoot group as terrorist organizations under John Kerry. The listing allows Washington to freeze members’ assets, impose travel bans and prohibit Americans from offering them material support.
Campbell said the criticism of Clinton was unwarranted and that he still opposes the listing, which has done little to quell the violence thus far.
“It was not remotely justified,” Campbell said. “I along with some 20 others who watch Nigeria quite closely sent a letter to Secretary Clinton that Boko Haram not be so designated. The reasons we advanced are still every bit as relevant now as they were then. It’s water over the dam … but I continue to think the designation is a mistake and in the future what it may do is deprive us of a diplomatic instrument.
“The ability of Americans out of government to enter into any kind of dialogue with some part of Boko Haram is depriving us of a potential tool,” Campbell said. “Officially that [listing] made sense, but there are times when it is useful for private American citizens to be able to talk to these people.”
Campbell said there are other reasons why the designation is counterproductive.
“Its primary provisions are almost entirely irrelevant,” he argued. “It denies visas to members of the group. Boko Haramites are hardly lining up at embassies to get visas to come to the United States. It also blocks the transfer of assets from the U.S. to the designated organization. Boko Haram doesn’t have any assets in the United States. The Nigerian-American community in the U.S. is overwhelmingly southern and Christian, so it’s not going to be sending remittances to Boko Haram. It’s irrelevant, but it makes people feel good.
“It is extremely limited in scope,” Campbell added. “It was originally designed for Middle Eastern groups like Hamas and that just doesn’t fit.”
The former diplomat said it’s important to distinguish between Boko Haram and other Islamic terrorist groups.
“They use the same rhetoric and they have essentially the same abstract goal, which is the achievement of God’s kingdom on earth through justice for the poor by means of Sharia,” Campbell said. “The difference is al-Qaeda in its various iterations is part of an international movement with an international focus and the U.S. is the great Satan.
“Boko Haram’s focus is on Nigeria but that could change the more we are associated with the Jonathan government’s struggle against them,” Campbell added.
The group has long viewed American values as corrupting influences, in particular education but also democracy, which it considers un-Islamic.
“The syllogism works this way,” Campbell explained. “Western education promotes secularism. Secularism is a foundation of the Nigerian state. The Nigerian state is utterly corrupt and exploits the poor, therefore the Nigerian state is anti-Islamic and so the destruction of Western education is an Islamic goal for which any means is justified, including slitting the throats of 59 adolescent boys or kidnapping 200 girls,” he said, referring to a February ambush on a boarding school in which the male students were massacred. In that attack, the girls were spared and told to leave school and get husbands. A few months later, another set of girls was not so lucky.
“It’s perfectly logical — the girls were brought together to take high school exams,” Campbell said of the April kidnappings. “That’s Western education.”
Some observers say the source of Boko Haram’s rage — education — could also be its downfall, if the government addressed the marginalization that has made the north fertile recruiting ground for the group. Isobel Coleman and Sigrid von Wendel, writing in Foreign Affairs, point out that despite its oil wealth,Nigeria has the “ignominious distinction of spending less on education as a percentage of [gross national income] than every other nation on earth, except Myanmar.”
“Abuja has long relied on indiscriminate force to fight Boko Haram, which has only resulted in massivecivilian casualties, fueled popular distrust of government forces, and left vulnerable villagers feeling trapped between radical extremists who favor no-holds-barred violence and an ineffective, even disinterested government that is also willing to resort to brutality,” they wrote, urging the government to tackle underlying socio-economic issues such as unemployment, illiteracy and insecurity. 
Campbell said the brazen kidnapping is a testament to Boko Haram’s support in northern Nigeria — a popularity that is often downplayed by the government — as well as its relative sophistication.
“You’re talking about more than 200 girls all dressed uniformly,” he pointed out. “That means Boko Haram has the ability to move around more than 200 girls, dress them, feed them and provide some kind of shelter. This implies a logistical and support train, which is more than a bunch of thugs running around,” he said, noting that they had access to military uniforms and transport for the girls.
Boko Haram’s ability to blend into the population may also be hampering efforts to rescue the girls, who may have been broken up into smaller groups.
Campbell said that Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram’s leader, has shown signs of political savvy, despite his out-of-touch rants and doubts over how much control he exerts over Boko Haram’s disparate cells.
“Shekau knows how to push buttons. What he is now saying is, ‘You can have your girls back if you release all of our operatives that are in jail,’” Campbell said. “No government can really do that, but suddenly he seems, if not reasonable, then he is at least opening up an avenue of hope. It’s quite clever. He knows exactly what he is doing.”
But while Shekau may know how to push political buttons, there is no indication Boko Haram is prepared to govern.
“They seek the destruction of the Nigerian state and its replacement by a purely Islamic state,” Campbell said. “They are a movement; they are not a political group. Their goal is not a political program; it’s a kind of religious aspiration.
“They don’t have 12-point program to address poverty in the north,” Campbell continued. “It’s all about God. That is one of the reasons they are so very difficult to deal with. You can’t buy them off, which is the traditional way of doing things.”

About the Author

Michael Coleman is a contributing writer for The Washington Diplomat.

Disaster Risk Reduction. Effective Law and Regulation

Effective law and regulation for disaster risk reduction: a multi-country report International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC); United Nations Development Programme - Headquarters (UNDP), 2014

The aim of this report is to support legislators, public administrators, DRR and development practitioners and advocates to prepare and implement effective disaster risk management (DRM) legal frameworks for their country's needs, drawing on examples and experience from other countries. The report considers both legislative provisions and stakeholder views on implementation. Its four objectives are to: (i) present examples of DRR legal provisions...

Themes: Capacity Development; Disaster Risk Management; Governance

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Too hot for your health

National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Turning Discovery Into Health

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hyperthermia: Too hot for your health

NIH provides advice on heat-related illness for older adults
During the summer, it is important for everyone, especially older adults and people with chronic medical conditions, to be aware of the dangers of hyperthermia. The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the NIH, has some tips to help mitigate some of the dangers.
Hyperthermia is an abnormally high body temperature caused by a failure of the heat-regulating mechanisms in the body to deal with the heat coming from the environment. Heat stroke, heat syncope (sudden dizziness after prolonged exposure to the heat), heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat fatigue are common forms of hyperthermia. People can be at increased risk for these conditions, depending on the combination of outside temperature, their general health and individual lifestyle.
Older people, particularly those with chronic medical conditions, should stay indoors, preferably with air conditioning or at least a fan and air circulation, on hot and humid days, especially when an air pollution alert is in effect. Living in housing without air conditioning, not drinking enough fluids, not understanding how to respond to the weather conditions, lack of mobility and access to transportation, overdressing and visiting overcrowded places are all lifestyle factors that can increase the risk for hyperthermia.
People without air conditioners should go to places that do have air conditioning, such as senior centers, shopping malls, movie theaters and libraries. Cooling centers, which may be set up by local public health agencies, religious groups and social service organizations in many communities, are another option.
The risk for hyperthermia may increase from:
  • Age-related changes to the skin such as poor blood circulation and inefficient sweat glands
  • Alcohol use
  • Being substantially overweight or underweight
  • Dehydration
  • Heart, lung and kidney diseases, as well as any illness that causes general weakness or fever
  • High blood pressure or other health conditions that require changes in diet. For example, people on salt-restricted diets may be at increased risk. However, salt pills should not be used without first consulting a physician.
  • Reduced perspiration,caused by medications such as diuretics, sedatives, tranquilizers and certain heart and blood pressure drugs
  • Use of multiple medications. It is important, however, to continue to take prescribed medication and discuss possible problems with a physician.
Heat stroke is a life-threatening form of hyperthermia. It occurs when the body is overwhelmed by heat and is unable to control its temperature. Heat stroke occurs when someone’s body temperature increases significantly (above 104 degrees Fahrenheit) and shows symptoms of the following: strong rapid pulse, lack of sweating, dry flushed skin, mental status changes (like combativeness or confusion), staggering, faintness or coma. Seek immediate emergency medical attention for a person with any of these symptoms, especially an older adult.
If you suspect someone is suffering from a heat-related illness:
  • Get the person out of the heat and into a shady, air-conditioned or other cool place. Urge the person to lie down.
  • If you suspect heat stroke, call 911.
  • Apply a cold, wet cloth to the wrists, neck, armpits and/or groin. These are places where blood passes close to the surface of the skin, and the cold cloths can help cool the blood.
  • Help the individual to bathe or sponge off with cool water.
  • If the person can swallow safely, offer fluids such as water or fruit and vegetable juices, but avoid alcohol and caffeine.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) within the Administration for Children and Families in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services helps eligible households pay for home cooling and heating costs. People interested in applying for assistance should contact their local or state LIHEAP agency or go to External Web Site Policy.
For a free copy of the NIA’s AgePage on hyperthermia in English or in Spanish, contact the NIA Information Center at 1-800-222-2225 or go to or (Spanish).
The NIA leads the federal effort supporting and conducting research on aging and the medical, social, and behavioral issues of older people. The Institute’s broad scientific program seeks to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. For more information on research, health and aging, go to
About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit

Nigeria: Health Minister Debunks Outbreak of Ebola Virus in Nigeria, Says Is Dengue Fever
Federal Ministry of Health
Federal Ministry of Health

Health Minister Debunks Outbreak of Ebola Virus in Nigeria, Says Is Dengue Fever

The Minister of State for Health, Dr. Khaliru Alhassan has denied a report in section of the media on the outbreak of Ebola disease in Nigeria.

The Minister made the clarification in Abuja today when he briefed the Press on the purported rumour of the ebola virus in Nigeria.

He said as a follow up to the report in a section of the media on the outbreak of Ebola disease in Nigeria, the Federal Ministry of Health wishes to inform the general public that laboratory investigation has revealed that it is a case of Dengue Heamorrhagic Fever and not that of Ebola virus as erroneously reported.

He said that the outbreak of the ebola disease was recorded in Guinea which has so far claimed 80 lives adding that the disease  has spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia which they share border with Guinea. He stated categorically that there is no recorded case of Ebola Virus in Nigeria.

He explained that Dengue Heamorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an acute illness of sudden onset that usually follows a benign course with symptoms such as headache, fever, exhaustion, severe muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), and rashes. At onset of the disease, it mimics Malaria and, often so, it is mistakenly diagnosed as Malaria. However, other signs of Dengue fever which include bleeding gums, bloody diarrhoea, bleeding from the nose and severe pain behind the eyes, red palms and soles differentiate it from Malaria Laboratory tests are usually necessary for its confirmation.
Dr.Alhassan said that prevention of transmission of Dengue Heamrrhagic Fever is similar to the prevention of Malaria. It is therefore very important to give environmental sanitation and mosquito bites control a high priority to reduce mosquito-human contact and also to eliminate multiplication of mosquitoes that are the vectors of the Dengue fever virus.

He reaffirmed that the Laboratories at the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) have the capacity to confirm the Dengue Heamorrhagic Fever and other Viral Hemorrhagic fevers adding that the Federal Ministry of Health has intensified surveillance activities on this disease and all States Ministries of Health are alerted.

He stressed that any suspected case should be reported to the nearest health facility including General Hospitals, Federal Medical Centres (FMCs) or Teaching Hospitals where non-specific and symptomatic drugs against this disease have been prepositioned.

He announced that all Nigerian Port Health posts and border medical centres have been put on high alert to screen travellers from countries with confirmed Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever occurrences pointing out that Nigerian citizens travelling to these countries are advised to be careful and should report any illnesses with the above stated symptoms to the nearest health facility.

He said that the Federal Ministry of Health is in the process of enhancing multi-sectoral collaboration with the Livestock Department of Federal Ministry of Agriculture, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), World Health Organisation (WHO), US Centre Disease Control (CDC), etc.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Nov 12-16, 2014. Bermuda's City Of Hamilton To Host The 40th Annual Conference Of Black Mayors
Bermuda's City Of Hamilton To Host The 40th Annual Conference Of Black Mayors
Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:00am EDT
* Reuters is not responsible for the content in this press release.
Bermuda's City Of Hamilton To Host The 40th Annual Conference Of Black Mayors
Event will convene the largest gathering of Black Mayors and elected officials from around the world
PR Newswire
HAMILTON, Bermuda, June 30, 2014
HAMILTON, Bermuda, June 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Bermuda's Corporation of Hamilton has announced it will host the 40th annual Conference of Black Mayors Convention later this year.  The event, which will take place on November 12 - 16, 2014, at The Fairmont Southampton, will convene the largest gathering of Mayors and local officials from around the world.  Mayors from cities, towns and villages from all over the U.S. will be joined by high level officials from China, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
In making the announcement, the Chairman of the local Organizing Committee, the City of Hamilton's Deputy Mayor Donal Smith, said the Conference of Black Mayors had grown from modest beginnings into an event of considerable political and economic importance that now includes more than 2,000 African/American Mayors and municipal staff and has attracted the participation of politicians, business and financial leaders not only from the U.S. but increasingly from around the world.
"Today the CBM also includes 39,000 political leaders and elected officials of color from around the world.  Currently we estimate that the City of Hamilton, Bermuda, will be greeting 400 - 500 plus delegates from as far away as Brazil, Colombia, China, Ghana,Cote D'Ivoire, Senegal, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Jamaica and the Caribbean Islandsand we should note that the aim of this great gathering has always been to improve the quality of life in the cities, townships and villages these Mayors and these officials represent."  
The Mayor of Hamilton, The Rt. Worshipful Graeme Outerbridge, JP, said, the CBM represents one of the most influential political and financial groups in the U.S. and in many other countries around the world.  "They represent a powerful voting block in the U.S. and beyond and preside over millions of dollars of municipal funds and new development.  As such, they represent enormous opportunities for our  international business sector to pursue.  We are delighted that the CBM has chosen to come to Bermuda."
Mr. Smith noted that many U.S. politicians and their advisors who are already looking ahead to the 2016 elections will doubtless be planning to attend the Convention."  We shall, as well, be inviting business leaders from the U.S., Europe and beyond to join us as featured speakers," he said.
"This year's convention theme will be '40 FORWARD' and we shall be looking ahead to determine what the future holds for the U.S. and world economies.  A very full program will include panel discussions on important global issues including immigration, education, healthcare and the ways in which the spread of information technology will affect global trade and urban growth in the coming years," he said.
The Convention of Black Mayors 40th Annual Convention
CBM, the international association representing 39,000 black elected and appointed mayors and local officials from throughout the African diaspora.
November 12-16, 2014
The Fairmont Southhampton
101 South Shore Rd
Southhampton, Bermuda SN02
For information about the conference, registration and sponsorship opportunities, contact:
Vanessa Williams
National Conference of Black Mayors
T: (404) 931-2059 C: (404) 964-9201
Danilee Trott
Corporation of Hamilton
T: (441) 292: 1234 Ext. 219  C: (441) 300-1335
Victor Webb
Marston Webb International
T: (212) 684-6601  C: (917) 887-0418

SOURCE Corporation of Hamilton


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