Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Politics of Disasters- 101. The fallout from the storm will further limit access to the ballot in communities where it’s already limited. Copyright (c) 2017 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. All Rights Reserved.

Hurricane Matthew's Voting-Rights Challenge

The fallout from the storm will further limit access to the ballot in communities where it’s already limited.

The article isn't about the whole country; it's about a couple of very particular bits of it that have histories of voter difficulty, and have a disproportionate impact on the election because they're in a swing state.
If you want an article on the other thing, go read an article on the other thing. Here's one from earlier this year, from this same site:

Why is it always Democratic groups that have a hard time voting for whatever reason? Are liberals too stupid and incompetent to do basic life tasks? You tell me.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

British Virgin Islands Disaster Management.


The Virgin Islands Constitution

The Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007 establishes a new Constitution for the Virgin Islands, to replace the Constitution of 1976. The new Constitution includes, for the first time, a chapter setting out the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual and provisions for their enforcement. It provides for a Governor as Her Majesty’s representatives in the Islands, and for a Premier and Ministers who form a Cabinet together with the Attorney General. It provides for an elected House of Assembly, which together with Her Majesty forms the Legislature.
The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court continues to have jurisdiction in the Islands. Provision is made for a Public Service Commission, a Teaching Service Commission, a Judicial and Legal Services Commission, and a Police Service Commission to provide advice on appointments to offices in these services. A new National Security Council is established, as is the office of Director of Public Prosecutions. Provision is also made for public finance, a Complaints Commissioner, and a Register of Interests.

SCAMS. Watch Out for Flood Insurance Scams

Flood in front of shops in town. Link goes to FTC's flood insurance scams page.

Protect Yourself and Your Family From Flood Scams

Scammers will profit off of anything they can, particularly the uncertainty that follows a disaster.
If you receive a call demanding payment right away to be covered by your flood insurance, report it to the Federal Trade Commission and be sure to contact your insurance company.
Learn More About How to Spot This Scam

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 2017. Ready Kids. Preparing Kids for Emergencies

Teaching children how to prepare for emergencies with Ready Kids

Coffee Break Bulletin | Sept. 26, 2017

This Coffee Break Bulletin highlights�s Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum, an educational program for teaching children how to prepare for disasters and emergencies.

Be a Hero
Emergencies and disasters can happen at any time and often without any warning. Children make up about 25 percent of our population so disaster planning, response and recovery efforts must take into account their unique needs.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers the free Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum to help educators teach kids what to do before, during and after an emergency. Created for grades one through 12, it incorporates age-appropriate problem-solving, teamwork, creativity, leadership and communication skills. Fire safety educators may also find some ideas to enhance their safety lessons on disaster planning, response and recovery.
Each age-specific section is divided into three lessons of inquiry-driven, project-based, and learning activities aligned to core subject standards. Students can check their emergency know-how with knowledge tests throughout the lessons.

Grades one and two

Students learn about emergencies and how to prepare for them. From fire safety to natural disasters, they will exercise their investigative, creative and communication skills, working both individually and in teams.
family making a fire escape plan
The Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum includes a lesson to show first and second graders how to make a home fire escape plan.

Grades three through five

Students work individually and in teams to research emergencies that can impact their local community and the nation. They will apply creativity and literacy skills to demonstrate their understanding of emergency preparedness.

Grades six through eight

Students develop a graphic novel to show their understanding of emergency preparedness. They�ll gain knowledge through research, games, simulations, discussions, debates and other inquiry-driven activities.

Grades nine through 12

Students engage in discussions, multimedia research, surveys and interviews to develop their own communication campaigns aimed at raising awareness and motivating others to be prepared for emergencies.

Action step for teaching kids about emergency preparedness

Students are motivated to learn and understand more when they can connect a topic to their lives. We encourage you to let teachers know this curriculum is available at and to use some of the activities yourself to promote disaster preparedness.

September 26, 2017. FEMA Hiring Temporary workers and volunteers.

map of highlighted states (nevada, florida, texas, puerto rico, USVI) with opportunities for work/volunteering

FEMA is hiring!

FEMA is currently hiring temporary workers and volunteers in several locations across the United States and Puerto Rico to support hurricane response and recovery efforts. Find a list of available positions and how to apply.


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