Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Training: Become A Red Cross Instructor

    New Benefits for Red Cross Instructors in 2011


    More Value

    • Offer your students a two-year certification for first aid and CPR with free digital refreshers.
    • Choose between free digital or affordable print materials for most courses.

    Greater Convenience

    • Manage your course records and print certificates through our new web-based training management system.
    • Order training materials and products online and download tools from our dedicated instructor website.

    Highest Quality

    • Teach an interactive, learner-centered course design that emphasizes hands-on skills.
    • Enjoy comprehensive, easy-to-use instructor resources, including manuals, multimedia course presentations, skill posters and DVDs or streaming video segments.

    More Training Options

    • Choose from flexible course options and additional modules to tailor your training to participant needs.
    • Access web-based learning options for First Aid/CPR/AED, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Bloodborne Pathogens training.
    • Become certified to teach a wide range of Red Cross courses, including Wilderness and Remote First Aid and Babysitter's Training.


    New Programs for 2011

    All programs will meet the new science guidelines.
    First Aid/CPR/AED for Workplaces and Communities
    Now Available
    Now featuring a two-year certification, this OSHA-compliant course trains workplace responders, childcare providers, secondary school students and others to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illness until advanced medical personnel takes over. A choice of first aid; adult, child and infant CPR; and AED course options allows for tailored training. Updated blended learning and Spanish versions of the course are also being revised.
    Emergency Medical Response
    Now Available
    This new course exceeds EMS Educational Standards and is designed for those with a duty to act, such as EMS personnel, firefighters, athletic trainers, lifeguards and medical professionals. It provides comprehensive training that gives participants the knowledge and skills necessary to work as an emergency medical responder to help sustain life, reduce pain and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until more advanced medical personnel take over. Optional enrichment topics and skills on anaphylaxis, Sellick's maneuver, and C-collar and backboarding are also available.
    CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and Health Care Providers Now Available
    This concise, learner-centered course trains individuals with a duty to act – EMS personnel, firefighters, athletic trainers, lifeguards and medical professionals – to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children and infants until more advanced medical personnel takes over. Topics include performing a primary assessment, giving ventilations (includes BVM), choking (conscious and unconscious), CPR (one- and two-rescuer) and AED.
    Releasing Fall 2011
    This course provides participants age 15 or older with the skills needed to be a professional lifeguard, including preventing and responding quickly and effectively to aquatic emergencies. Enhanced aquatic facility on-site evaluation services will also be available.

    Need Training Now?

    If you are an organization in need of training, complete this short form and a Red Cross representative will contact you to discuss your training needs.

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