Sunday, October 16, 2011

6th annual Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management. December 5 – 9, 2011

Welcome to the 6th annual Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management. The Caribbean’s premier conference on Disaster Risk Management!

The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), in association with its partners, and in collaboration with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago through the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM), will host the 6th Annual Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management under the theme “CDM: Reflection, Introspection, Moving Forward” at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, December 5 – 9, 2011.

The conference is the region’s premier event on disaster risk management bringing together the region’s largest gathering of professionals in the fields of disaster management and professionals from sectoral and thematic fields, who have specific responsibilities in this area. Attending this event is an excellent opportunity to improve disaster risk management awareness and exchange information on good practices, while building stronger professional networks.

This Conference provides the platform for reflection, dialogue on initiatives and issues to advance the Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) agenda and measures progress in the region within the context of the Enhanced Comprehensive Disaster Management Strategy and Programming Framework 2007-2012. 

Comprehensive Disaster Management is the regional contribution to the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015, a blue print for global action in Disaster Risk Reduction.  As such, the Comprehensive Disaster Management Conference is a regional event of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) global platform and is structured to promote good practice, share ongoing research, chart the way forward for the advancement of CDM in the Caribbean and to provide a unique opportunity for facilitating networking among disaster management actors. 

The 6th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management celebrates the achievement of 20 years of institutionalized disaster risk management in the region. The Conference will assist in charting the way forward beyond the current regional 2007-2012 strategy on Comprehensive Disaster Management.

The theme “CDM: Reflection, Introspection, Moving Forward” focuses on:
Reflection: An opportunity to look back at the genesis of institutionalized disaster management in the Caribbean region, celebrate successes and give careful consideration to those gaps which remain
Introspection: A space to examine thoughts and perspectives on where we are today in the agenda of disaster risk management
Moving Forward: Distilling spaces of opportunity and repositioning of the Comprehensive Disaster Management agenda.
The Conference features an exciting week of activities from Monday, 5th to Friday 9th December, 2011.

  1. To celebrate achievements and successes within the CDEMA System 1991 – 2011 and identify gaps
  2. To facilitate exchanges and lesson learning among CDM Stakeholders in related practice, research, products and tools
  3. To assess progress in the implementation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Strategy 2007-2012
  4. To identify strategic opportunities for the management of disaster risk beyond 2012
  5. To identify opportunities and strategic approaches for mainstreaming disaster risk management at the level of decision and policy makers in Ministries of Finance and Economic Planning
  1. Achievements, successes and gaps within the CDEMA system 1991 - 2011 identified
  2. Compendium of good practices and lessons learnt in CDM implementation
  3. Status of CDM implementation of the CDM Strategy 2007 – 2012 assessed
  4. Strategic opportunities for CDM beyond 2012 identified
  5. Opportunities and strategic approaches for deeper engagement of High level Policy Makers in Ministries of Finance and Economic Planning distilled.
  1. Opening Ceremony
  2. Professional Development Sessions
  3. Plenary and concurrent sessions built around research, case studies and other writings
  4. Panel Discussions
  5. Poster presentations
  6. Conference Exhibition
  7. Youth Session
  8. Film Festival
  9. Conference Tour
20th Anniversary Awards Ceremony

About the CDM Conference

The Annual Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management is the region’s premier event on disaster risk management. Organized by the Coordinating Unit of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), the Conference is our region’s largest gathering of professionals in the fields of disaster management and professionals from sectoral and thematic fields who have specific responsibilities in this area. Attending this event is an excellent opportunity to improve disaster risk management awareness and exchange information on good practices, while building stronger professional networks.

Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) is the Caribbean’s regional contribution to the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015, a blue print for global actions in Disaster Risk Reduction. In that regard, the Conference is a regional event of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) global platform and is structured to promote good practice, share ongoing research and chart the way forward for the advancement of CDM in the Caribbean. Read more...

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