Friday, October 14, 2011

BEMA Committment to Support Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and to focus our attention on this individual, family, community, and national issue the Black Emergency Management Association shall be publishing daily articles, stories, and information on domestic violence and trauma reference material from organizations and individuals to focus on this debilitating issue that crosses all nationalities, economic status, ethnic backgrounds, ages, sexes, and extends to future generations in its evolutionary cycle.
Visit our Blog, and Facebook pages to review these daily articles, and videos.
Prepare to determine your ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score.
Domestic violence and trauma has both physical and mental debilitating long-term effects from early childhood, into our senior elderly years. 
Labeling is not the issue.  Current therapy and awareness are not to label an individual, but to determine the 'causes' of a particular behavior or physical ailment.  Behaviors and in some instances physical ailments currently experienced may have roots from events or traumatic events from the past.
As with racial injustices, disparities in health care, and other inequities violence & trauma whether domestic, private, or public (disasters, terrorism, natural, and man-made events) impede upon every aspect of our society.  From early childhood development, learning and physical abilities during elementary, middle and high-school, college, adulthood, work relationships, marriage, and immediate & extended family development, bullying, adult crime and incarceration, to repeat offenders the list can go on and on. 
Please join BEMA in addressing this issue individually by providing reference materials to any individual in need of physical and mental assistance.  Provide assistance by volunteering, give food or clothing assistance, or by contributing money to any IRS authorized 501(c)(3) nonprofit, or faith-based organization that is an advocate against domestic violence and\or trauma and supports Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Therapy for each of us begins with trust and a discussion. 
Domestic Violence Awareness Month is not just one month out of the year, but entails a lifetime of on-going daily awareness.

Charles D. Sharp 
Emergency Manager 
Senior Advisor 
Black Emergency Managers Association

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