Tuesday, October 18, 2011

International Sector: Hiati Missions


Lott Carey Mission Alert - Short-Term Missions Assignments to Haiti

13 October 2011 
Dear Lott Carey Partner:
We continue to work to keep the people of Haiti on the minds of the world and in the hearts of God's people.  One way of doing so is to create opportunities for people who feel called to do so, to participate in short-term missions assignments.  The following opportunities still have opportunities for service, and we as you to share them in your circles of influence.
Men's Only Short-Term Missions Assignment

Missionary men will share in construction projects and a men's conference in partnership with Hosean International a service-based ministry, has been receiving teams and coordinating outreaches in Haiti since 1981.

Dates: December 1 -9, 2011

Medical Service Short-Term Missions Assignment Medical professionals are invited to serve with a Mobile Medical clinic at Siloe. The clinic is in need of medical teams to participate in ‘mobile clinics’ to the villages in the mountain region of Grand Goave. Significant time will be spent seeing patients and addressing both emergency treatment, and providing ongoing care. Medical personnel such as: Doctors, nurses, dentists, technicians, EMTs, and more are needed.

Dates: February 8 - 15, 2012; May 9 - 16, 2012
If you hear God calling you to serve in Haiti to be a blessing, please contact Kathi L. Reid, Program Manager, at kreid@lottcarey.org.
Remember our sisters and brothers who continue to struggle, and see other short-term missions assignments on our home page at www.lottcarey.org.
On mission,
Rev. David Emmanuel Goatley, Ph.D.
Lott Carey
220 Eye Street, NE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20002
202.543.3200 (office)
202.276.2920 (cell)
degoatley@aol.com (email)
degoatley (skype)
lottcarey (twitter)
www.lottcarey.org (web)

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