Friday, December 2, 2011

Project Opportunity: Canada Caribbean Disaster Risk Management (CCDRM).

The Canada Caribbean Disaster Risk Management (CCDRM) Fund invites Caribbean-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), and community based organizations (CBOs), to submit proposals for projects designed to reduce disaster risk in vulnerable Caribbean communities.

A wide range of organizations are eligible to apply to the CCDRM Fund. They include, but are not limited to, youth groups, women’s groups, church organizations, service clubs, fisher associations, farmers groups, district disaster management organizations, environmental groups, and associations for the aged.

Proposed projects must reduce a disaster risk that is being experienced by a community. The beneficiary community must consider the reduction of the identified disaster risk to be a priority.  The reduction in disaster risk must be achieved by the close of the project and must be measurable and sustainable.

Grants will be made to successful applicants on a competitive basis. Priority will be given to projects in the CAN $25,000 to CAN $75,000 range. Projects may range in duration from a few months to a maximum of two years.  

Organizations wishing to submit applications for grant funding must use the Fund’s standard Application Form ( NOTE: applications submitted in any other format will not be considered).
The Application Form can be downloaded from the CCDRMF web-page on the CDEMA website.

At the top of the CDEMA web-page you will see a menu-bar. Click on the “Projects” tab. Select “CCDRMF” from the drop-down menu. When the new page appears, select “Fund Documents” from the menu on the left-hand side of the page. The documents can also be accessed by copying the following URL into your browser: (

The “Guide for Project Submissions” and “Frequently Asked Questions” documents can be viewed or downloaded from this web page.  The “Guide” provides an overview of the CCDRM Fund and, details on the information that an application must contain to be successful. Please read the “Guide” before filling out the application form.

The fifth call for proposals will be open from November 15th 2010 to 31st January 2011. Applications must be submitted before midnight (GMT -4 hours) on 31st January 2011. Project applications received after midnight on 31st January 2011 will be reviewed under the next (sixth) call for proposals which will open in November 2011.

If you have any questions or require additional information please contact the CCDRM Fund Coordinator, Leslie Walling (

Applications must be sent to one of the following post, fax or e-mail addresses below:

Fund Coordinator  
Canada Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Fund
C/o Canadian High Commission      
Bishop’s Court Hill, P.O. Box 404      
Bridgetown, BARBADOS.              
Tel: (246) 425-0386 Ext. 297
Fax: (246) - 429-3876     

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