Wednesday, January 4, 2012

FEMA National Training & Exercise Conference

Department of Homeland Security Seal - Emergency Management Institute LogoCourse:      E237 - 2012 National Training and Exercise Conference Location:
After further consideration, FEMA has decided to once again conduct the conference at the National Emergency Training Center (NETC), EMI in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
To Apply:
Complete a FEMA Form 119-25-1, General Admissions Application with student signature and supervisor or sponsoring agency official and submit through the State Emergency Management Training Office via fax to the NETC Admissions Office at (301) 447-1658.
Tribal representatives can submit directly to NETC Admissions Office.
To obtain a Form 119-25-1 and for further information, please refer to the EMI web site at: All applications must be received in the NETC Admissions Office no later than March 12, 2012. Alternates or substitutions for this course require notification to the RTMs and the Admissions Office at NETC. Additional Information:
More information will be provided after the conference planning team develops a draft agenda later this year.
For more information, contact the EMI course manager, Dan Lubman at (301) 447-1364, or by email .
Date: April 17-19, 2012 Course Description:
This conference is designed to provide a review of current and proposed training and exercise programs within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that are applicable to our State, local, territorial and tribal partners. It will provide examples of best practices and case studies in training and exercises from the Federal, State, local, territorial and tribal level.
Conference Length:
3 full days. Travel days are Monday and Friday. Emergency Management Institute (EMI) is considering potential pre-conference meetings and Train-the-Trainer sessions for specific audiences. More information will be available at a later date.
Target Audience: State Emergency Management Training and Exercise Training Officers (STOs/ETOs)

• Tribal Emergency Managers
• FEMA Regional Training Managers and Regional Exercise Officers (RTMs/REOs)
• Federal Preparedness Coordinators (FPC)
• Other FEMA training staff
• FEMA Regional National Incident Management System (NIMS) contacts
• State Administrative Agency (SAA) Training and Exercise contacts

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