Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grant Opportunity: Individuals with Special Needs. Communication;jsessionid=wXnsPTPb9Rfr95FYdjv5yJQtBphBzSpwGf6QX3TwlW0X2WxhGG9r!545677704?oppId=142413&mode=VIEW

Effective Communication for People with Disabilities: 

Before, During, and After Emergencies


The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 02/08/2012 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.If you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant opportunity click send me change notification emails . The only thing you need to provide for this service is your email address. No other information is requested.

Any inconsistency between the original printed document and the disk or electronic document shall be resolved by giving precedence to the printed document.
Description of Modification
Document Type:Modification to Previous  Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number:01-12
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Posted Date:Feb 08, 2012
Creation Date:Feb 14, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications:Mar 07, 2012   
Current Closing Date for Applications:Mar 08, 2012   
Archive Date:Apr 06, 2012
Funding Instrument Type:Cooperative Agreement 
Category of Funding Activity:Disaster Prevention and Relief 
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:1
Estimated Total Program Funding:$50,000
Award Ceiling:$50,000
Award Floor:$35,000
CFDA Number(s):
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:No

Eligible Applicants

Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Agency Name

National Council on Disability


The National Council on Disability is interested in evaluating effective communication for Americans with disabilities before, during, and after emergencies.Since 2005, NCD has noted in multiple publications the need for research and evidence-based knowledge to support national efforts on emergency management and disability. As a result of this work, NCD was given responsibilities regarding emergency management in the Post-Katrina Emergency Reform Act (PKEMRA). As part of these responsibilities, NCD recently participated in two events that illustrated the need to place additional emphasis on effective communication. In September 2011, NCD held an all-day meeting with FEMA’s Regional Disability Integration Specialists, where the agencies discussed the current state of emergency management as well as barriers and facilitators to the inclusion of people with disabilities. Also in September 2011, NCD cosponsored FEMA’s Getting Real II conference, which highlighted promising practices in inclusive emergency management. During both meetings, issues related to effective communication were raised as a critical area needing attention.Effective communication throughout all phases of emergency management (preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation) must be fully accessible to all people with disabilities. NCD is interested in examining the accessibility of communication before, during, and after emergencies for people with sensory disabilities (deaf, hard of hearing, blind, low-vision, deaf-blind, and speech disabilities) as well as people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and people with psychiatric disabilities. NCD will document successful practices and identify facilitators and barriers to providing effective emergency-related communication. Through this study, NCD will aim to educate emergency planners, as well as state and local officials, about how to provide effective communication to all people with disabilities before, during, and after emergencies. A key piece of this research will include a thorough examination of the current state of affairs concerning the accessibility of emergency-related communication. This analysis must address all phases of emergency management and be cross-disability and demonstrate sensitivity to diversity matters/issues that can impact outreach and response. The research must include what is occurring in this area on both the national and state level.NCD proposes to collect information on the experiences of people with disabilities as it relates to emergency-related communication; highlight accomplishments, and determine recommendations for how emergency communication accessibility for people with disabilities can be improved.NCD is also interested in looking at current disability laws and regulations as they pertain to effective communication before, during, and after emergencies, the enforcement of these laws and regulations, and whether further laws and/or regulations should be promulgated.NCD hopes the information in this report will motivate and drive emergency planners to improve their ability to provide effective communication for people with disabilities. 

Link to Full Announcement

NCD Website

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Robyn Powell
Attorney Advisor
Phone 202-272-2008 Robyn Powell

Synopsis Modification History

The following files represent the modifications to this synopsis with the changes noted within the documents. The list of files is arranged from newest to oldest with the newest file representing the current synopsis. Changed sections from the previous document are shown in a light grey background.
File NameDate
Modification #1Feb 08, 2012
Original SynopsisFeb 03, 2012

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