Saturday, February 25, 2012

Guardian Accord Workshop

The purpose of the Guardian Accord (GA) Workshop is to increase awareness of Federal, State, territorial, tribal and local government jurisdictions, and the private sector, about the importance of incorporating the specific risks of terrorism into continuity planning.  

This workshop consists of facilitator lead discussion, group breakouts, and concludes with a tabletop.  

The participants should already understand continuity of operations principles and have already developed or be familiar with continuity of operations plans and programs.

Date: Thursday, March 15, 2012

Time: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST

Location:  Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), 1401 H Street NW, Conference Room 6084, A and B, Washington, DC 20005

Request for Registration Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2012

 Please read entire Training Announcement for more details.

 If you would like to attend, please send an email to to reserve a seat. 

Please bring a FEMA Form 119-25-1 (formerly 75-5) (General Admission Application, August 2010 version) to the Lead Facilitator on the day of the course.     

Leave the course number section blankFEMA Form 75-5 can be downloaded at

Seating is limited to 30.



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