Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scholarship Opportunity: 2012 Governor's Hurricane Conference

v  2012 Governor's Hurricane Conference Scholarship

Any student interested in receiving a scholarship to attend the 2012 Governor’s Hurricane Conference® must complete their application by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15th in order to be considered.  You will have no further access to your application after that time.  No late applications will be accepted under any circumstances.  Competition is fierce this year, so we encourage you to put forth your best effort in creating your application. 

P.S. Did you know that the Governor's Hurricane Conference - Student Scholarship Program has a page on Facebook?  Join now to get reminders, tips, and updates during the application process.  If you are selected to receive a scholarship, this will also be a good place to meet your peers before the conference, get logistical questions answered, and more tips for making your conference trip a success.

Rene' Daines
Governor's Hurricane Conference®
P.O. Box 279
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-0279
(727) 944-2724   (727) 944-2687 Fax
(800) 544-5678

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