Thursday, March 15, 2012

BEMA Professional Networking Opportunities

BEMA Network members (All):

Be sure to mark your calendars for the Black Emergency Managers Association monthly professional networking opportunities every third Tuesday of the month in the Washington, D.C. area at Busboys & Poets 5th & K Street, N.W. location.

Meet fellow BEMA members, exchange business cards, and dine at your leisure on appetizers or on B&P’s other fine menu items.

Join in on discussions on Homeland Security\Emergency Management advisory council, or other events and meetings attended and coming up.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in the Washington, D.C. area. 

If you’re visiting from out of town, stop by and say Hello!

                Venue:          Busboys & Poets   ( )
                Location:       5th & K Location
                                         1025 5th Street, NW
                                         Washington, DC

                Time:             5:30 PM  - 8:30 PM

                Dates:           Tuesday
                                               April  17th 
                                                         National Infrastructure Advisory Council meeting       
                                               May  15th               
                                               June  19th                                  
                                               July ----------- No networking                    
                                               Aug ----------- No networking                    
                                               Sept  18th
                                                        National HBCU conference & Black Caucus following week
                                               Oct.  16th
                                               Nov. 20th
                                               Dec. 18th

              Parking:          Street and metered parking is available.
                                          There is also a public underground parking garage right below the
                                               A Marc Parc lot is located directly across from the street open
                                               Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 7 PM.
                                               Parking there is $10 during the day and $5 after 5 PM.

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