Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Taino Consulting Group: Webinar. Active Shooter

BEMA Network Members (All):

Please pass along to business continuity, HR, law enforcement, educators, and others that have an interest.   Registration information listed below.

Taino Consulting Group has established teaming & partnering relationships with other BEMA members throughout the U.S. and internationally within their organization, and to present this webinar.  I am proud to be a member of BEMA to participant in these events to ensure that the ‘whole community approach’ is not only communicated, but practiced as part of our mission & vision for all members.

Herby Durverne’, Doug McDanial, Louis Elisa, Richard Hazel, and Taino Consulting Group other associates each have BEMA’s, and my full support in your endeavors.


Charles D. Sharp

Charles D. Sharp
Chief Executive
Black Emergency Managers Association   
"I Care...."

From: Herby Duverne []

Please join Taino Consulting Group and our panel of Security Experts for a FREE and interactive webinar that may save your life and/or that of your employees.  During this training you will learn how to handle an Active Shooter situation (such as the Colorado shooting). 

Flyer is attached.  Please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1661366811582272256

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