Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Behavioral Health Responders: Deployment Support

United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - A Life in the Community for Everyone: Behavioral Health is Essential to Health, Prevention Works, Treatment is Effective, People Recover
Available Now: Deployment Supports for Disaster Behavioral Health Responders
The goal of this 30-minute podcast is to prepare disaster behavioral health (DBH) responders and their family members for deployment by reviewing pre- and post-deployment guidelines and ways to prepare for the stress of deployment and reintegration into their regular work and family lives.
The podcast aims to accomplish the following:
  • Increase awareness of the unique issues DBH responders face, especially with numerous or long-term assignments.
  • Provide pre-deployment guidelines to assist DBH responders and their family members as they prepare for deployment.
  • Provide post-deployment guidelines and practices that enable reintegration with family members and routine employment.
The featured speaker is April Naturale, Ph.D., of the SAMHSA Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC). Dr. Naturale is a traumatic stress specialist with 25 years of experience in health/mental health administration. She directed New York's disaster mental health response following the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Dr. Naturale also spent several years in the Gulf Coast after large-scale hurricanes devastated the area.
SAMHSA DTAC encourages participation by behavioral health, public health, and other professionals involved in emergency management and disaster response.
You may download the slides and the transcript by visiting the SAMHSA DTAC Archived Webinar Page.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Lori McGee at 240-515-8414 or We would appreciate your thoughts on this podcast or suggestions for future podcasts/webinars. Please send feedback to

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