Monday, November 19, 2012

Spotlight: SEARCH ( Public Safety

SEARCH is dedicated to improving the quality of justice and public safety through the use, management and exchange of information; application of new technologies; and responsible law and policy, while safeguarding security and privacy.

Company Background

SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, is a nonprofit membership organization created by and for the states.

Since 1969, SEARCH's primary objective has been to identify and help solve the information management and information sharing challenges of state, local, and tribal justice and public safety agencies confronted with the need to exchange information with other local agencies, state agencies, agencies in other states, or with the federal government.

SEARCH is governed by a Membership Group comprised of one gubernatorial appointee from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories, as well as eight at-large appointees selected by SEARCH's Chair. Members are primarily state-level justice officials responsible for operational decisions and policymaking concerning the management of criminal justice information, particularly criminal history information.

A staff of professionals works from SEARCH headquarters in Sacramento, California, and other locations nationwide to implement solutions identified by the Membership Group. Through its staff and with the direction of the Membership, SEARCH provides justice agencies with diverse products, services and resources through general focus areas of Information Sharing, High-Tech Crime and Criminal History Law and Policy.

Funding for SEARCH activities is provided by annual fees from Member states for the operation of the consortium and Board of Directors; grants from various U.S. Justice and Homeland Security agencies; state grants; and federal, state and local contracts.

For more information, please email Twyla Putt, Corporate Communications Manager.


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