Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How do you get started in the satellite business?


According to recognized leaders in the industry, there are many paths as well as demand for many different skills. In these interviews, satellite professionals share their personal career journey.

Edward Horowitz, former CEO of SES AMERICOM (now SES World Skies), discusses how he went from roof top to top management.

Tom Moore, President, ViaSat-1, was looking to combine his passion for designing modems with his desire to get broadband connection where he lived. (audio)

Susan Irwin, President, Irwin Communications, talks about how she got her start in the satellite industry. (video)

Thaicom President Dr. Nongluck Phinainitisart discusses her start in the space industry during its early adoption in Thailand. (audio)

Sidney Topol, President, Topol Group LLC, former CEO of Scientific Atlanta and 1991 Hall of Fame inductee, recounts his entry into the satellite industry. (video)

Rick Sanford, COO, Cisco Internet Routing in Space, recounts his path fom Air Force to Department of State to a solid career in the space industry. (audio)

Nick Thompson, Managing Director, Arqiva, discusses his unique path to satellite communications. (audio)

The "Women in Space" issue of the Online Journal of Space Communications takes a closer look a the roles women play in the various disciplines and organizations that make up the satellite industry.

Max Kamenetsky, Principal System Engineer, Space Systems/Loral and 2009 Promise Award honoree, talks about how he got started and gives advice to other young enthusiasts.

Scott Chase, SATELLITE show Chairman, discusses the serendipitous phone call that led him to the exciting world of rockets and loud noises. (audio)

Robert Scheige, Assistant Vice President, Willis Inspace, discusses the connection between the psychology lab and the satellite insurance business. (video)

Dom Stasi, CTO Emeritus, Avail-TVN, discusses his early start via the Apollo program and an unknown little company called Home Box Office. (video)

Peter Shaper, CEO, CapRock Communications, discusses the various opportunities for careers in the industry. (video)

Phillip L. Spector, Intelsat Executive Vice President, Business Development, & General Counsel, talks about the creativity and entrepreneurial opportunities that make the satellite industry a dynamic career choice.. (video)

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