NASA-Science Technology Engineering Math and Medicine (STEM2) for Male African American Students and others Worldwide
Dr. Joe W. Conner, JWC/DS, and Mr. George Sun, United Lenton, Inc., are announcing plans to establish ten (10) Ocean and GIS/GPS Consortia in Southern California and beyond.
JWC/DS has received a preliminary agreement with a school district which is the first institution to share our desire for improving science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine (STEM2) training - with a strong GIS/GPS component. The district is also the first systemwilling to take advantage of our ability to develop a strong financial base from individual households (i.e. $12.5+ million operational fund per hub).
Collaborators with diverse service and skills sets have agreed to assist our district client as needed. A sample of our collaborators is attached. Resumes and documents detailing collaborations are available upon request.
PROJECT STRUCTURE -The project will focus on two broad themes:
- We will use NASA Enterprises to spinoff ways to launch the spirit of discovery in K-12 young scholars, siblings and parents;
- We will use GIS/GPS and related technologies to reveal how STEM2 professionals collect, analyze, and manage data. The introduced technologies are used by ESRI and National Instruments.
Each broad hub can bring additional domestic and international opportunities to the schools and homes of each K-12 student. The consultative efforts will locate willing prospective donors who embrace the goals established by the district. Our financial goal is to raise $10+ million for each themed hub that will allow the districtflexible options for projects and the starting of an endowment(s).
Dr. Joe W. Conner
JWC Development Systems
P.O. BOX 1515, Costa Mesa, CA 92628
Tel: 626.664.2958 Fax: 714.540.5875
Created: 4-26-13 jwc
Revised: 5-6-13 db
Revised: 5-11-13 jwc
Service: Workshop(s) for African-American fifth grade males
These interactive and multimedia workshows how much fun young men can have with a STEM2 (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine) fields of study. Dr. Joe will show actual marine biology and outreach field trip video and slides from California to across USA and West Africa. Students will show how they, their family members and teachers can start fun activities that match science standards, develop community resource contacts locally and beyond.The workshops can be held from one to three days with follow-up activities to establish human and financial resources.
Fee Schedule: Available Upon Request
Service Region: State, National, International. Please specify: National and International
Contact: Joe W. Conner, Ph.D. Title: Senior Manager/Founder
Phone: 626.664.2958 Email:
Fax: 714.540.5875 Skype: joe.conner27
Address: P.O.BOX 1515 City: Costa Mesa State: CA Zip: 92628
Additional Comments: Workshops are inclusive and can be tailored to meet any STEM2 organizational objects and/or target groups.
Service: RETINA (Robotics Exploration Technologies in Astrobiology)
The RETINA Program blends formal classroom instructional activities with hands-on skill development in a team-based setting conducted by the teacher and guided by national science standards. Activities are chosen carefully with the intention of integrating technology under the umbrella of a scientific process and are designed to provide consistency and a continuum of difficulty among the grades. Given the breadth of potential science and engineering topics that excite children, the RETINA Program focuses on interactive participation in the design and development of simple robotic and sensor systems, providing a range of challenges to engage all students through project-based learning (PBL). Modules are framed in science and follow accepted engineering practices. Grade-specific scientific umbrellas were chosen based on national science standards and ongoing cutting-edge research and/or technology. Modules progress from simple activities such as making an object neutrally buoyant to writing computer code to maneuver rovers. These modules expose students to the broad range of engineering fields and the engineering processes through problem solving, creativity, and collaboration, using science as the “customer”.
Fee Schedule: Available Upon Request
Service Region: State, National, International. Please specify:California and National
Contact: Dr. Geoff Wheat Title: Professor
Phone: 831.633.7033 Email:
Fax: N/A Skype: N/A
Address: P.O. Box 475 City: Moss Landing State: CA Zip: 95039
Additional Comments: One of the creators of C-DEBI (Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations) a NSF funded deep ocean research consortium administrated by the University of Southern California.
Service: International EducationCollaboration Works
Definition: International EducationCollaboration Works to build bridges or use structures designed and built by others to facilitate exchanges.
Increasing Important Educational Innovations: The rapid emergence of new and respected higher education institutions in countries like: China, Taiwan, Korea, etc. could well lead to more choices among domestic and foreign students to study locally or in other countries.
The Information and Communications Technology: GIS/GPS and Cloud Computing technology will be the backbone of higher education or youth succeed better if they start learning the benefits of spirited collaboration in terms of developing leading-edge infrastructures.
Services: (Sample)
(1) “Become A Sister's Schools”: Under the International Education Collaboration Plans, Including Cultural Exchanges, Youth Ambassador Programs, Home Stay Exchange Programs.
(2) For Both Youth and Adult Students: Includes information and communication technology, musical performances, art exhibits, international cultural festivals, media, film festivals, and teacher exchanges.
(3) The Summer Programs (Summer Camps): Run summer camps for teens, older Kids, siblings and parents.
Fee Schedule: Available Upon Request
Service Region: State, National, International. Please Specify: State, National, and International.
Contact: George Sun Title: President
Phone: (626)447-5119 Email:
Fax: (626)447-6307 Skype: N/A
Address: 5917 Oak Ave. Suite 250 City: Temple City State: Ca. Zip: 91780
Additional Comments: Senior Asian Liaison for JWC/DS.
Service: STEM2 Saturday Academy Program
The Metropolitan Saturday Academy Science and Technology Programs (MSA) is a scientific and educational enrichment organization designed to create student interest in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEM2) at the elementary and middle school levels. Since 1997, MSA has provided creative learning experiences in nontraditional formats, inspired by “NASA Underground Railroad: Connections to Freedom and Science”. In MSA students use “hands on” activities developed by experts in STEM2fields. Students go on field trips to NASA Centers and universities across America. Our educational enrichment activities meet national education standards. Students develop and present science projects under the guidance and direction of science and math teachers. Research opportunities are offered to expand students’ understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts. The program is conducted on Saturdays from December to June or during and/or after school. The major goal is to develop a cadre of multicultural youth in STEM2 fields. We strengthen each student’s educational skills, improve his/her academic achievement, provide a school-to-career focus, introduce and/or increase exposure to colleges and universities, and enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, skills in analytic, communication, presentation, leadership and interpersonal talents.
Fee Schedule: Available Upon Request
Service Region: State, National International. Please specify: National and International
Contact: Lynda Sampson Title: President and CEO
Phone: 301.642.5566 Email:
Fax: 301.574.0175 Skype: N/A
Address: 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 300 City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20004
Additional Comments: The STEM2 Saturday Academy Program is inclusive.MSA’s techniques and programs are transferable.
Revised: 5-11-13 jwc
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