Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2014 Training Schedule: FEMA HSEEP Basic Course

Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP): Basic Course 

Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Course Dates:

  • December 3-6, and December 10-13, 2013 
  • January 7-10, and January 14-17, 2014 
  • February 5-8, and February 12-15, 2014 
  • March 4-7, and March 11-14, 2014 
  • April 1-4, and April 8-11, 2014 
  • May 6-9, and May 13-16, 2014 
  • June 3-6, and June 10-13, 2014 
  • July 8-11, and July 15-18, 2014 
  • August 5-8, and August 12-15, 2014 
  • September 9-12, and September 16-19, 2014 

Course Length:   Courses are conducted in eight, two hour blocks, (16 total hours), four days a week, for two consecutive weeks. They will be conducted from 1:00-3:00 p.m. EST.

Location:   Online, Adobe Connect Webinar course.

Program Description:  The K0146 HSEEP: Basic course provides a comprehensive overview of exercise design along with practical skill development. Using the same terminology and processes, this course will provide activities that will give participants an opportunity to interact with many of the templates and other materials that are provided by the National Exercise Division to ensure exercises are conducted in a consistent manner.

Course Objective: Upon completion of this course, participants will gain a  better understanding of what constitutes an effective exercise.


  • IS 120.a - An Introduction to Exercises 
  • Recommended Course: 
  • IS 130 - Exercise Evaluation and Improvement 
  • Planning

Attendance:   It is mandatory that the participant complete all 16 hours of this course to receive full credit. Anything less will result in the participant to re-register for another course and start from the beginning.

Target Audience:   Anyone who will be a member of an exercise design team or fulfill a role in one of the following areas of the exercise design process: design, development, conduct, evaluation or improvement process for an exercise.

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