Friday, January 3, 2014

Webinar: January 8, 2014. Emergency Response and Disability for First Responders / Respuesta de Emergencia e Impedimentos para los Equipos de Primera Respuesta

Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone who might be interested.

Emergency Response and Disability for First Responders / Respuesta de Emergencia e Impedimentos para los Equipos de Primera Respuesta

Event Date/Time:
Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
2:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST
Online Webinar


In order to best assist individuals with disabilities in an emergency situation, first responders must be aware of the preparation needed in serving this community. Flexibility and creativity may be called for in order to insure individuals who have disabilities are able to access emergency services and to do so effectively. This webinar will address the issues of physical, communication, and programmatic access as well as the responders’ need to understand the potential unique challenges facing this segment of the population and how to serve them in a respectful manner. First responders and community emergency preparedness teams will primarily benefit from this presentation, but individuals with disabilities may also find it useful in communicating their needs in an emergency situation.

Linda Landers, MPA
Regional Disability Integration Specialist
U. S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency-Region 6

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Region 6 is firmly committed to providing equal access to its programs, services and materials.  Please contact me if you would like to request an accommodation or to obtain information in alternative formats.  

Emergency Response and Disability for First Responders / Respuesta de Emergencia e Impedimentos para los Equipos de Primera Respuesta

Event Date/Time:
Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
2:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST
Online Webinar
In order to best assist individuals with disabilities in an emergency situation, first responders must be aware of the preparation needed in serving this community. Flexibility and creativity may be called for in order to insure individuals who have disabilities are able to access emergency services and to do so effectively. This webinar will address the issues of physical, communication, and programmatic access as well as the responders’ need to understand the potential unique challenges facing this segment of the population and how to serve them in a respectful manner. First responders and community emergency preparedness teams will primarily benefit from this presentation, but individuals with disabilities may also find it useful in communicating their needs in an emergency situation.

En Espanol: Respuesta de Emergencia e Impedimentos para los Equipos de Primera Respuesta
Para poder ayudar mejor a las personas con impedimentos en una situación de emergencia, los equipos de primera respuesta deben estar conscientes de la preparación necesaria para atender a esta comunidad. La flexibilidad y la creatividad pueden ser necesarias para asegurar que las personas que tienen impedimentos puedan accesar los servicios de emergencia efectivamente. Este webinar atenderá los asuntos de acceso físico, acceso a la comunicación y acceso programático, así como el hacerle entender a los equipos de primera respuesta los retos potenciales y particulares que enfrenta este segmento de la población y como asistirles de una manera respetuosa. Los equipos comunitarios de preparación para los casos de emergencia y de primera respuesta serán quienes se beneficiarán de esta presentación principalmente, pero las personas con impedimentos pueden encontrarla útil para poder comunicar sus necesidades en una situación de emergencia.
Para inscribirse, visite:  
From the Sponsor:
Target Audience(s):

Registration   Required:        Yes

Cost:                                         Free
Deadline:                                 Wednesday, January 8, 2014

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