Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Our Whole Community Involvement during disasters. 2017

As Hurricane Irma approaches the South and Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. notifications should be going out to those in its’ path, last minute education & training should be an on-going process with information on shelter management and staffing.

The following information listed below on shelter management with the American Red Cross system, and last minute disaster education from our archives in 2012 to the present should be of help and assistance in understanding what will be taking place during the crisis. 

For our immigrant community members throughout the U.S. you are part of the ‘whole community’ and must be at the table as part of the entire process from preparedness, planning, response, and recovery.  “You are needed!”.

Our intent at BEMA International is not to add to the confusion, re-invent the wheel in education, training, and awareness for crisis events, but to enhance and ensure that our membership and other programs get to those in need before, during, and after a crisis.

Ensure lines of communications are established with family, friends, and loved ones.  Take the time to check on friends in senior citizen living facilities.  Ensure that our ‘whole community’ members are aware of the danger and threat of this oncoming natural crisis.

“A life cannot be replaced.  A car, a home, and material things can.”


Charles D. Sharp
Black Emergency Managers Association
Washington, D.C.

American Red Cross Shelter Management System

National Shelter System.  Shelter Information Management
The Red Cross National Shelter System (NSS) contains information for over 56,000 potential shelter facilities and is used to track and report shelter information during disasters.  This powerful tool enables emergency managers and disaster workers to identify the location, managing agency, capacity, current population, and other relevant information of all shelters operated in response to disasters.
NSS information assists the Red Cross, FEMA, state and local emergency management, and non-government organizations in developing strategies to ensure prompt and effective mass care services.  The system also serves as a planning tool before disaster strikes.

2012  Disaster Training

   (NOTE:  Contact Lott Carey, or local ARC chapter to determine if this training can be conducted in your area.)

Lott Carey Disaster Training being conducted by the American Red Cross (ARC).

Friday, April 27, 1 - 5 and Saturday, April 28, 9 - 1. 

It's one course just split into two parts; attendees will have to participate in both parts

The cost is $25 to cover meals and snacks. 

Our goal is be able to certify teams to be mobilized for local, regional and national disasters. Upon completion of next weekends training and a background check, those trained will become a part of the ARC Disaster Services Resources (DSHR) network of volunteers and will be able to begin preparations for the creation of distribution and feeding centers in our local churches throughout the mid-Atlantic area.

We have a network of individuals and churches trained in Louisiana and will be expanding program throughout the U.S. where our network of churches and partners are located. We are engaging ARC and FEMA in the process of positioning the African American Church to be prepared to respond proactively, efficiently and effectively to local, regional and national disasters.   

1. Disaster Overview
2. Community Services
2. Organizing the Shelter
3. Operating the Shelter
Shelter Operations in the Field:
a. Assigning Key Responsibilities
b. Shelter Manager Responsibilities
c. Registration Responsibilities
d. Dormitory Management Responsibilities
e. Providing Information
f.  Disaster Health Services
g. Other Client Services Responsibilities
h. Communications Responsibilities
i.  Staff and Volunteer Recruitment and Placement
j.  Material support
k. Assisting People with Disabilities
l.  Working with the Media
m. Donations
n.  Forms
o.  Closing of Shelter

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