Response and recovery of the Gullah Nation from hurricane\storm Florence is an ongoing effort from flooding long after the storm has past.
Financially our communities are constantly stressed. Give whatever and how much as possible.
Ask local buusiness, private industry to adjust their profit margins and give back to communities in need. Ask local Home Depot, Lowes, Walmarts, and others to contribute.
Corporation, and private industry are not just a part of the community in good times, but when disasters strike.
BEMA International
Gullah Nation financial Support
Financially our communities are constantly stressed. Give whatever and how much as possible.
Ask local buusiness, private industry to adjust their profit margins and give back to communities in need. Ask local Home Depot, Lowes, Walmarts, and others to contribute.
Corporation, and private industry are not just a part of the community in good times, but when disasters strike.
BEMA International
Gullah Nation financial Support
@SierraClub fa supportin de
- You can join their members in contributing to the coalition of groups that are working on #Hurricane #Florence recovery in the Carolinas by contributing electronically at
You can donate to our rebuilding fund here:
You can also contribute to the on-going
Gullah/Geechee Land Legacy Fund here:
Here is Queen Quet's (Gullah Nation leadership)
Huffpost article during the storm
Here are some of the articles that have come out so far regarding
what the Gullah/Geechee
Nation is faced with even after the storms cease:
Tenki Tenki fa hunnuh support!
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