Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Disaster Victim Volunteers Needed for Exercise on 05.31.19

Keep in mind that every community should exercise their emergency plans, and procedures with a simple walk-thru, drill, table-top, functional, or full-scale exercise.  Check in your local community at your FIRE\EMS, or Emergency Management Office\Agency for exercises being scheduled.
April and May are prime time for exercises.
Get involved.  Participate, observe, and understand the coordination, and who will be doing what when a disaster or crisis strikes your community.  Exercises should be designed as realistic as possible.  Now is a time to use your acting skills and abilities. 
From a real-world event of assisting someone out of a burning car, administering an antidote, each involves keeping a level head to respond accordingly and not panic.  Exercises contribute to keeping calm in a panic situation.
Be safe, be prepared, get involved. 
BEMA International
The Maryland Regional National Life Support (NDLS) Coalition will be conducting a disaster exercise with emergency medical personnel on May 31, 2019 in College Park, Maryland.

The Maryland Responds State Program is requesting volunteers to act as disaster victims during this exercise.

College Park, MD (Check-in location/address will be provided to confirmed volunteers)

Date:   May 31, 2019
Time:  7:15 AM – 3:00 PM

Volunteer Positions Needed:
Twenty Maryland Responds volunteers are needed to act as disaster victims in a simulated disaster scenario.  This volunteer role will assist participants in the Advanced Disaster Life Support training to practice mass casualty triage during a simulated disaster.  Volunteers will be given instructions such as a script and injuries to act out.

Volunteer Requirements:
Completion of all Road to Readiness requirements.  

See attached checklist and log in to your Responder profile to view your ‘Training’ tab to see where you are on the Road to Readiness.  

Volunteers should be comfortable standing and lying down on the ground outside for periods of time.

Volunteers should also be comfortable with having mock injuries applied (moulage).

Transportation: Volunteers should be able to transport themselves to and from this event.

Additional Information: Lunch and water will be provided.

Parking is free.

Use the link below to sign up:
More information will be shared with the volunteers who are selected to volunteer at this event.

 DO NOT ACTIVATE FOR THIS EVENT IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED A CONFIRMATION of your participation from a Maryland Responds State Coordinator.

Thank you,
Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps

bEMA International 

“Successful people are always looking for ways to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking,
‘What’s in it for me?” – Brian Tracy

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