Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Funding Opportunities:: Looking for new ideas to find funds for your small business?


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Looking for new ideas to find
funds for your small business?
Start thinking differently about funding. Join us as Kedma Ough talks
with host Julie Hyman, to walk you through a step-by-step process to
find targeted financial resources. She’ll focus on identifying funds, grants
and loans specifically designated for your type of business.
Join us Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 2 PM ET.
Presentation - 25 min.
Q&A - 20 min.


Meet the experts.
Kedma Ough, an expert on targeted
funding resources, has spent the last
20 years as an advisor to over 10,000
small businesses. She is the author of
"Target Funding."
Julie Hyman has covered financial
markets for 20 years. She is an
anchor at Yahoo Finance and
currently hosts On The Move
alongside Adam Shapiro.

Replay our recent webinars.
From 5.12: Innovate for big impact: Rewrite the rules for your small business now.  
From 5.19: Affordable ways to find new customers now.


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