Monday, May 18, 2020

Global Health and Global HealthCare a Reality. May 2020

Without Universal Health Coverage We Are Sitting Ducks When the next Pandemic Strikes
Siddharth Chatterjee
We live in a different world to the one we inhabited six short months ago. With more than 4 million people infected and over 280,000 dead globally by mid May 2020, Covid-19 has ruthlessly exposed the vulnerability of a globalised world to pandemic disease. People are slowly coming to terms with ... MORE > >

Beyond Trump--- US, UN & Global Health Governance
Lawrence Surendra
US President Donald Trump’s battle with the World Health Organization (WHO) hides two important issues. One, the long running love-hate relationship between the US and the UN, and two, a better understanding of how global public health is governed and in the overall context of global ... MORE > >

Why Some National Health Care Systems Do Better than Others
Vladimir Popov
In public health discussions, it is generally recognized that the social returns to health care investments are greater than the private returns, and much of such investments should be financed by the state. Also, global benefits from national health care spending are greater than just the ... MORE > >

Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health During the Pandemic
Anand Grover and Ximena Casas
“When I was 13… I got pregnant from my older brother… He raped me starting when I was 11,” a girl from Guatemala told one of us in 2015. She was one of the 2 million girls under 15 worldwide who give birth each year, often due to sexual violence. The Covid-19 pandemic is putting girls like her ... MORE > >

Finding Money for Public Health, Green Economic Recovery & SDGs
John Garrett, Kathryn Tobin and Chilufya Chileshe
The coronavirus pandemic underscores the profound fragility and unsustainability of today’s world. It exposes the chronic underinvestment in human health and well-being and the consequences of a relentless exploitation of biodiversity and the natural environment. Despite the pledge by 193 ... MORE > >

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