Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 1, 2020. Disaster Housing. Know before the crisis\disaster arises.

FEMA Releases Planning Considerations: Disaster Housing
FEMA released “Planning Considerations: Disaster Housing”. Housing recovery is the cornerstone of a community’s recovery and ultimate resilience. By helping survivors achieve sustainable housing after a disaster, state and local leaders move their communities toward stability and resiliency for future incidents.
The “Planning Considerations: Disaster Housing” document supplements “Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101: Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans” by providing guidance on national housing priorities, types of housing, key considerations and housing-specific planning recommendations that jurisdictions can apply when developing or improving housing plans. This planning document is a tool for use along with the Six-Step Planning Process described in CPG 101.

Although the document is not specific to any particular threat or hazard, many of the concepts, principles and resources contained in the guide can be applied to coronavirus (COVID-19) response and recovery efforts.
To view the guide, visit https://www.fema.gov/plan. Contact FEMA at NPD-Planning@Fema.dhs.gov for any questions or support on the document.

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