Friday, June 19, 2020

Register for the July 15 webinar Learn more about the development of the Managed Retreat Toolkit

News & Updates from
the Georgetown Climate Center

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GCC's Managed Retreat Toolkit Launch

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
12 PM ET / 9 AM PT

Please join the Georgetown Climate Center on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, for a webinar to launch GCC’s new Managed Retreat Toolkit.

Sea-level rise and increasingly frequent and intense extreme weather events are leading many coastal communities to confront difficult questions about how best to protect people, infrastructure, and coastal ecosystems from the impacts of climate change. Communities and states are increasingly considering managed retreat – the voluntary movement and transition of communities and ecosystems away from vulnerable coastal areas – as a strategy for climate adaptation.

The first comprehensive online resource on managed retreat, GCC’s new Managed Retreat Toolkit combines legal and policy tools, best and emerging practices, and case studies to support peer learning and decisionmaking around managed retreat and climate adaptation. Between 2018 and 2020, GCC’s outreach efforts related to the development of the Managed Retreat Toolkit have engaged more than 1,000 people at more than 20 events, a testament to the growing interest in this important topic. 

Contact for questions about the webinar. For questions about the toolkit, contact GCC would like to thank the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the other generous funders who support GCC's work for making this project possible.

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