Friday, July 17, 2020

July 2020. Water Affordability. Vulnerable Communities.

Water Prices are on the Rise

It is essential that the African American community across the U.S. become more aware of the vast opportunities in the water sector, including the aims and mission of the water utility of the future that promotes more community engagement, empowerment and economic development. This infographic represents facts about water affordability, which will be further outlined in a forthcoming report by Dr. Afia Zakiya, CBCF Senior Fellow, Water Infrastructure and Workforce Development. Dr. Zakiya's previous publications are available for download below.


Water Careers and Opportunities for African Americans

Continuous access to clean, safe and affordable water is critical to our economy, health, and way of life. This briefing note focuses on career opportunities for African Americans with public water and wastewater utilities responsible for providing such services.

Apprenticeships: Pathways Toward Workforce Diversity in the Water Sector

This issue brief provides data and useful resources to inform African Americans about the benefits of apprenticeships. It also identifies where apprenticeships can be found that can help them start a journey towards obtaining the middle-income and well-paying water careers available now and in the future, especially in water utilities area.


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