Friday, December 15, 2023

Slavery and Human Trafficking. Is there a difference? July 2020

DHS Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives

20th anniv

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000!

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000. In commemoration, the Department of State declares 2020 the year of “Freedom First,” in recognition that human dignity, autonomy, and freedom are essential to the exercise of our rights and liberties. Delivering on unfulfilled promises of freedom for the millions of people whom traffickers exploit must remain a first priority for us all.

TIP Report 20202020 Trafficking In Persons Report

On June 25th, the Honorable Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State of the United States, released the 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report, marking the 20th Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, or the TIP Report. This annual TIP Report, issued by the U.S. State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking In Persons, is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-trafficking efforts and reflects the U.S. Government’s commitment to global leadership on this key human rights and law enforcement issue. 

BC infographicNEW Human Trafficking Infographic

The DHS Blue Campaign adapted its original “What Is Human Trafficking?” infographic into a print-friendly 8.5x11 design. This updated design is available for download in English and Spanish and provides an overview of the crime, types of trafficking, and what you can do to learn more and report. The infographic can be posted in offices and community spaces or shared online via social media or newsletters. In addition to the printable resources, Blue Campaign infographic videos in English and Spanish can be downloaded and viewed.

fB and communityFaith and Community Toolkit on Human Trafficking

DHS Blue Campaign and the DHS Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives developed the Faith-Based and Community Toolkit, a human trafficking resource for the faith community. This toolkit provides tips and resources to engage houses of worship and the community to help raise awareness of human trafficking and how to be trauma responsive to the needs of victims or those vulnerable to harm. The Toolkit is available in both English and Spanish
Learn more about other DHS Blue Campaign Resources, including the General Awareness Training Video.

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