Thursday, August 27, 2020

Storm Preparedness. Katrina Anniversary + Storm Readiness Video Post from Council President Jason Williams August 2020



Wednesday, August 26, 2020 ******************************* For Immediate Release


New Orleans City Council_banner_2018




Katrina Anniversary + Storm Readiness Video Post from Council President Jason Williams


Jason Roger Williams - Councilmember-at-Large

“As a city that has been through uncertain times before, we know that the best thing we can do now is be prepared. Though recent reports show New Orleans not in the storms direct path, we cannot let our guards down until Laura fully passes. We pray for our neighbors to the west.


Be sure to follow @nolaready for updates. I’ll share information on resources on my pages as well.

Stay safe everyone!

Updates & Resources:

·    Voluntary evacuation for areas outside levee protection, including Venetian Isles, Lake Catherine & Irish Bayou still in effect

·    Parking restrictions have been lifted on neutral grounds and sidewalks 

·    Regularly-scheduled trash & recycling collection will occur

·    RTA service is operating on the Saturday schedule. Ferry Service will remain suspended until further notice.


You can call us at (504) 658-1070 and for additional information and storm preparedness tips, visit and follow @nolaready.”


We are resilient New Orleans!



Media Contact:

Keith D. Lampkin

Jason Roger Williams, Council-At-Large

(504) 758-8913



New Orleans City Council

The New Orleans City Council is the legislative branch of New Orleans city government. The Council considers and enacts all local laws that govern the City of New Orleans. The Council also approves the operating and capital budgets for the City, as recommended by the mayor, and continually monitors revenues and expenditures for local government operations. The City Council is also the regulatory body for public utilities. It also reviews and has final say on many land use and zoning matters, as well as considers major economic development projects for the City. As a Board of Review for Orleans Parish, the Council examines appeals of property tax assessments for real estate taxes, and certifies tax rolls to the Louisiana Tax Commission. Other responsibilities of the Council include overseeing the operation of the public access television in Orleans Parish. Streaming video and video archives of the City Council's Regular and Committee meetings can be found on the City Council website.


The City Council is comprised of five districts and two Councilmembers-at-large. Council President and Councilmember-at-Large Jason R. Williams; Council Vice President and Councilmember-at-Large Helena Moreno; District "A" Councilmember Joseph I. Giarrusso; District "B" Councilmember Jay H. Banks; District "C" Councilmember Kristin Gisleson Palmer; District "D" Councilmember Jared C. Brossett; and District "E" Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen.


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