In 2020, and 2021 WE are needed even more especially in vulnerable communities in the U.S. and globally.
Not first responders, not law enforcement, but emergency managers. Emergency Managers with the practical, academic, and hands-on knowledge, skills, and abilities globally. Multi-skilled, and multi-talented.
BEMA International
Why Are Governments Turning to Emergency Management to Run
Things? (
Why Are Governments Turning to
Emergency Management to Run Things? One coffee mug
might say it all. BY ERIC
I picked this up from a LinkedIn posting. Yes, I might have
seen it before, too. However, the recent assignment of FEMA to help out on
issues at the Southwest border — discussed in another blog post — highlights
how if you need a
coordinating entity, emergency management in general is good at it.
We have done PPE and now in some cases we're doing vaccination sites and whatever else is
Some emergency management agencies are working on homeless housing issues
for their jurisdiction.
I'm reminded that in the U.S. Army, it was the infantryman who
was and is the "jack of all trades" who comes in and
gets things done. A good reputation to have for any profession.
Let's highlight the second item below. This ability to work
with limited information, like in a disaster where you are dealing with lots
of ambiguities, is what makes our profession different.
Basically, we have to make decisions when others are frozen in
fear of making a mistake.
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