Tuesday, April 6, 2021

FEMA to Provide Full Cost for Safe Opening and Operation Costs. Are you eligible? April 5, 2021


FEMA Advisory

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Safe Opening and Operation Work Eligible for Public Assistance  


FEMA has developed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Safe Opening and Operation Work Eligible for Public Assistance Interim Policy to implement the increase in assistance authorized by the President for the safe opening and operation of facilities across all COVID-19 emergency and major disaster declarations for eligible state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government entities and certain private nonprofit (PNP) organizations
FEMA to Provide Full Cost for Safe Opening and Operation Costs

FEMA released an interim policy today to continue to maximize available COVID-19 response and recovery assistance by providing additional assistance to state, local, tribal and territorial governments and certain private nonprofits for eligible costs to support the safe opening and operation of eligible facilities.

Facilities that might be eligible for safe reopening and operation costs may include schools, medical facilities and government facilities open to the public.

Reimbursement is specifically for COVID-19 emergency and major disaster declarations through FEMA’s Public Assistance program for actions performed from Jan. 21, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2021. Items that may be eligible for reimbursement include:
  • Face coverings and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Cleaning and disinfection
  • COVID-19 diagnostic testing
  • Screening and temperature scanning
  • Portable temporary physical barriers for social distancing; and, the
  • Purchase and storage of PPE and other supplies listed in this section based on projected needs.
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