Thursday, September 23, 2021

How would you rate your local emergency management office\agency? NEW! Lessons Learned from FEMA's Initial Response to COVID-19

All disasters are local. 

FEMA is part of a complex-complex system within the emergency management arena.

What would be the results of an inspection report of your local emergency management office\agency at the State, County, City, and rural area?

We as a collective within BEMA International are the premier organization representing communities of color, communities at risk (CAR) that includes vulnerable populations, Black, LatinX, and other communities at the table with a voice.

As a member of BEMA International it is now time to step outside of your comfort zone.  Time for our private sector members to give more financially to support our efforts as a member of the ‘whole community’ and by our narrative a member of the ‘community imperative’.

We are at the table, yet still when our voice is heard it still is bypassed until a more conservative\non threatening acceptable member owns our narrative.  It continues. 

BEMA International




News from the Department of Homeland Security OIG
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The Latest DHS OIG report is available on our website.


Office of Public Affairs

Lessons Learned from FEMA’s Initial Response to COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, FEMA worked closely with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other Federal agencies to facilitate the shipment of PPE and ventilators. However, the magnitude of the global event exposed weaknesses in FEMA’s resource request system and allocation processes. Specifically, WebEOC — the system FEMA used to process resource requests including those for PPE and ventilators — contained unreliable data to inform allocation decisions and ensure requests were accurately adjudicated. This occurred because FEMA did not develop controls to validate requests and prevent incomplete, inaccurate, or duplicate data entries; nor did FEMA ensure WebEOC users received training on proper use of the system. In addition, although FEMA developed a process to allocate the limited supply of ventilators, it did not have a similarly documented process for PPE.

Finally, FEMA did not have strategic guidance clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities used to lead the Federal response. FEMA’s decision to prioritize ongoing pandemic response efforts without updating its written guidance and strategic plans hindered FEMA’s coordination efforts.

To its credit, FEMA evaluated its COVID-19 response operations, identifying similar key findings and recommendations aimed at improving current and future responses, including making updates to its WebEOC system.

Read Report No. OIG-21-64




Black Emergency Managers Association International


Washington, D.C.  20020

bEMA International


Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication, Coordination, Community engagement, and  Partnering (C5&P)

A 501 (c) 3 organization


“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today.  We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.  In this unfolding conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late.  Procrastination is still the thief of time.  Life often leaves us standing bare, naked and dejected with a lost opportunity.  This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos or community.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘Where Are We Going From Here:  Chaos or Community’. 




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