Friday, January 28, 2022

HOPE. Washington, D.C. 2022 Summer Youth Employment Program Now Accepting Applications

We must act as if we answer to, and only answer to, our ancestors, our children, and the unborn. — Amilcar Cabra

Is anything like this in your city or town for our next generation leaders?


2022 Summer Youth Employment Program Now Accepting Applications

Today the 2022 Summer Youth Employment Program started accepting applications from DC residents ages 14-24. The program is set to serve 14,000 this year, so be sure to share the application with the young people in your life who need a job for the summer! The program will run from June 27 through August 5, and there are both virtual and in-person options within the program.  

Applications will be accepted until Monday, February 28.






Black Emergency Managers Association International

Washington, D.C.


bEMA International

Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication, Coordination, Community engagement, and  Partnering (C5&P)


A 501 (c) 3 organization

We must act as if we answer to, and only answer to, our ancestors, our children, and the unborn. — Amilcar Cabra

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