Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Online, Self-Paced Training Courses Enable Students to Master the Fundamentals of the Business of Space

September 6, 2022 – With the release of the remaining courses in the SBQ Fundamentals Certification series, students can complete a broad introduction to all business aspects of key space industry sectors, including launch, spacecraft, communications, broadcast, earth observation, navigation, and exploration.  

The series includes five online, self-paced, interactive learning courses:

Students successfully completing all five courses and a comprehensive exam will receive an SBQ Fundamentals Certification, valid for three years and renewable.  

The tuition fee for the complete Fundamentals course and exam series is $900, which represents a significant savings compared to purchasing individual courses for $250 each. Additional discounts for GVF and SSPI members, and for bulk purchases, are available. 

Produced by GVF, SatProf, and SSPI, which together have over 80 years of experience in space & satellite, Space Business Qualified online training is taught through a mix of self-paced, interactive tutorials, videos, and illustrations, with assessments to validate understanding and reinforce learning.

Several follow-up specialist series, in satellite communications and broadcast, spacecraft and launch, and earth observation, navigation, and science, are planned for release beginning later this year.

Remarking on the release of final Space Business Qualified Fundamentals course, GVF Secretary General David Meltzer said, “The release of the fifth and final Fundamentals course fills a critical gap in online training for people in the space and satellite industry – many of whom are new to the industry or looking to deepen their knowledge to increase their productivity and advance their career. The Fundamentals courses provide a valuable recruitment and retention tool for employers seeking diverse employees in a highly competitive labor market and initial response to the courses has been very positive as employers are seeing great value in providing these courses to new and existing employees”.

“In our discussions with human resource and training professionals,” said SSPI executive director Robert Bell, “we found that SBQ fills an important gap in training available to the industry. It offers self-paced learning that provides a 360-degree view of the industry to accelerate the success of new hires and employees moving into new fields or more responsible positions. Employers can use it to more quickly and effectively onboard new hires and improve retention of current employees”.

“We are excited and proud to release the first SBQ certification training series and are particularly proud of its focus on explaining how the technology and business of space are intertwined. For the first time, management staff have a comprehensive resource explaining how technical and regulatory aspects affect space business finance. Likewise, more technical students can now get a jump start on a career in management in their chosen space industry sector.” Ralph Brooker, President, SatProf, Inc.

Course details and additional information on the Space Business Qualified program can be found at

Free Introductory Course

Course SBQ 400: Welcome to the Business of Space, is free and now available. Enroll NOW!!! If you've already completed it, we invite you to return and fill in the evaluation form. We're eager to get your feedback!

About the Space Business Qualified (SBQ) program

SBQ is a set of online courses and certification, now under development, that will provide a comprehensive understanding of the business of space today and tomorrow. 

Produced by organizations with over 80 years of combined experience in space & satellite, SBQ will offer a series of online courses, taught through a mix of self-paced, interactive tutorials, videos, illustrations, and testing to validate understanding and reinforce learning. Fundamentals courses will lead to more specialized courses in satellite communications, earth observation and spacecraft and launch. 

For details, please visit You're welcome to contact us at and please follow SBQ at #SpaceBQ.

As the sole global non-profit association of the satellite industry with members from the entire ecosystem, GVF has throughout its history brought together organizations from around the world representing operators, manufacturers, service providers, innovators and other parts of the satellite ecosystem that are engaged in the development and delivery of satellite technologies and services for consumers, commercial and government organizations worldwide. GVF facilitates expanded access to satellite-based connectivity solutions, through regulatory, policy and spectrum advocacy; training and certification; product quality assurance; and collaboration with user groups and other satellite stakeholders.

Space and Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) is the industry’s largest, most international and cross-disciplinary network of individuals and companies. It is where the people of space and satellite do business, from new hires to seasoned executives, in startups on the launch pad and mature companies with billions in revenue. Those people are our mission, because they make up an industry whose technology and capabilities are indispensable to the world.

SatProf offers standard and custom web-based learning material and technical support for satellite installers, technicians, engineers, and managers. Its advanced web-based e-learning materials feature interactive animations based on numerical simulation algorithms. Students equipped only with Internet terminals now have access to realistic simulations of the behavior of real-world equipment. Its interactive, 3-D, animated tutorials enable a better grasp of technical concepts and permit the student to practice hands-on skills such as dish pointing, polarization alignment, and uplink signal line-up.

  • For new hires, employees changing jobs and job-seekers
  • Individual courses, full modules, or a certification path
  • Increase effectiveness and boost career growth
  • Save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars

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