Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Call for Presenters. 2023 NVOAD Conference May 8-11, 2023

BEMA International members:

Get involved.

 NVOAD has the 4 C's.  Within BEMA International we have....C5&P
  • Cooperation,
  • Collaboration, 
  • Communication,  
  • Coordination, 
  • Community engagement, and  
  • Partnering 
Expand on this if needed.  

BEMA International

National VOAD is excited to announce the theme for the 2023 National VOAD Conference being held May 8-11 in St. Louis, Missouri is "Gateway to Collaboration".

We need your help in putting together a great conference! Please consider submitting a proposal to present a workshop at the 2023 National VOAD Conference.
Here are some suggested topics for workshops that we will slate as tracks in the final schedule appropriately:

Training and Education
Leading practices, continuity planning, raising the next generation of leaders, resource sharing, tutorials or guidance on old and new subjects

Social Justice in Disaster Response
Case studies, focus on vulnerable populations, social justice implications 

Emerging Practices & Innovation 
Use of technology, new approaches to old problems, creative solutions in limited resource environments

The 4 C's
Creative and diverse partnerships, collaborative programming, cross-sector success stories

All workshop proposals are reviewed and scored by the Conference Workshop Review Committee, which is comprised of representatives from the following stakeholder groups: National VOAD members, partners, board members, and staff. The committee will score and select workshops based on presentations that meet the following five criteria, including:

1. Topic: Relevancy, importance and appropriateness of the topic to the field. Is this a topic that will be of interest to the National VOAD audience?

2. Implementation Goals: Do the stated implementation goals provide the audience with ACTIONABLE knowledge and information?

3. Engagement: Will the presentation engage the National VOAD audience?

4. Quality of Proposal: Does the proposal communicate what the workshop is about?

5. Collaboration: Does this presentation provide an example of collaboration and partnership especially public-private partnerships? 

If you have any questions regarding the request for proposals or the selection process, please contact the National VOAD Conference Office by sending an email to conference@nvoad.org or calling 225-408-4459.

Deadline: Friday, December 9, 2022

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