Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Exclusionary? For Nonprofits. When certification and credentialing becomes exclusionary. December 2022

  • For nonprofit entities.  Another point to dot your 'I's and crossing your 'T's
  • Are we moving towards a path of credentialing and certification for nonprofit entities in addition professional certifications as an exclusionary practice?
  • Funding OpportunitiesWill funding opportunities be affected from foundations, private sector, and public sources (city, county, state, and federal) ?
Receive Your Nonprofit Credentials Between Christmas & New Years

VISIT HERE or press cred
entialing photo below to get started.

"Start 2023 as a Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE). NANOE Credentialing will play an important role in your vocational success for years to come."   Kathleen Robinson, Ph.D.
(Because you work with Charitable Organizations)

Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE)

200 Multiple Choice Questions 

Certified Development Executive (CDE)

150 Multiple Choice Questions 

Certified Nonprofit Consultant (CNC)

100 Multiple Choice Questions

NANOE is the only nationwide membership organization in the U.S. for Executives seeking credentials in the art of nonprofit capacity-building. Practitioners who hold a prestigious NANOE credential are "best practice" experts who grow charitable enterprise and discover new ways to advance the common good.

NANOE’s three capacity-building training certifications are based on industry insider knowledge, university research, and a love for serving humanity. Each credential compliments the other ensuring CEOs, CFOs, COOs & CDOs organization-wide are equipped with progressive capacity building practices that drive new growth.


Here's a brief overview of the three credentials you can receive that will supercharge your career:

CERTIFIED NONPROFIT EXECUTIVE (CNE): Striking the balance between managing volunteer board members, administrators, front-line staff, programs, finance and fundraising presents nonprofit managers with the complex and perfect storm of corporate oversight.  Practitioners who hold CNE learn new ways to prioritize capacity-building that ensures they weather the tumultuous seasons of nonprofit administration. Certified Nonprofit Executives become the capacity-building expert CEOs, CFOs, COOs & CDOs a charitable enterprise needs to expand its mission!

Many fundraisers come to the nonprofit sector with great intentions to advance a charity’s mission without having correctly answered the question, "who is our customer?" Executives mistakenly think that the rain forest, the student, the homeless or a family-in-need are their customers and therein lies the difficulty. Individuals you serve are not your customers because they have no money. Certified Development Executives are expert at understanding who their true customer is and are equipped with new best practices that ensure they create life-long partnerships with new friends who financially invest in your mission.

CERTIFIED NONPROFIT CONSULTANT (CNC): During our careers, at one point or another, many of us wonder if we could be trusted to share our expertise with others in a way that produces personal income. The truth is, successful consulting is more than sharing your experience…it’s a coveted lifestyle with multiple dimensions. First, you need to be an expert in particular area of nonprofit management. Second, you must learn how to disseminate your knowledge using the consulting arts. Third, you must build a sustainable business enterprise that consistently generates opportunities to serve. Practitioners who hold the CNC credential are nationally qualified experts who labor alongside nonprofits providing the organizations they serve "big wins!"


You'll also be pleased to know that we provide LIVE CREDENTIALING SUPPORT. NANOE's Member Relations Director Lisa Van Zyll is available Mondays through Fridays 9am to 5pm (EST) to answer any of your questions and to support you as you take your exam! Feel free  to give her a ring at (202) 309-4125.

Here's how credentialing works:

  1. Complete your personal experience profile (memorialize your vocational journey ...no minimums required) 
  1. Complete your training profile (memorialize your instructional journey...no minimums required)
  1. Complete and pass your credentialing exam (open book, exam resources, automated & online)

    a. Certified Nonprofit Executive - 200 Multiple Choice Questions
    b. Certified Development Executive - 150 Multiple Choice Questions
    c. Certified Nonprofit Consultant - 100 Multiple Choice Questions
    d. 70% to pass. 30 days to complete exam (includes SAVE AS YOU GO function)
    e. Pass/Fail status is revealed immediately upon test completion
  1. NANOE’s Credentialing Board will confirm your completed process within 2-3 weeks


  • No re-certification required as long as you maintain your annual membership with NANOE.

Executives Who Hold a NANOE Credential:

1. Are recognized by employers in the nonprofit sector as having met a series of standards set by NANOE demonstrating a superior commitment to growing capacity within nonprofits.

2. Have their personal certification officially recorded at the offices of National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives.

3. Receive an official Credentialing Certificate demonstrating their achievement.

4. Receive the credential CNE, CDE, CNC and are authorized to use this designation in their public title.

5. Are provided the CNE, CDE and/or CNC badge for use on business cards, letterhead, websites, etc.

6. Are members in good standing of National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executive (NANOE).

7. Pay a one-time fee of $98 for one credential or $148 for two credentials or $198 for three credentials.

8. Avoid cumbersome and expensive re-certification processes for CNE, CDE or CNC. Credentials are maintained as long the holder maintains membership in NANOE.

9. Experience the satisfaction and challenge of a meaningful adult continuing educational process that ensures their effectiveness now and in the future.


Please feel free to contact me with your questions at (202) 309-4125.

Sincerely Yours,

Kathleen Robinson

NANOE Credentialing Director

Black Emergency Managers Association International
Washington, D.C.


bEMA International

Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication, Coordination, Community engagement, and  Partnering (C5&P)
A 501 (c) 3 organization


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