CGD Update:
Global Health
Policy: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance & Investing in
Pandemic Preparedness
Hi Charles,
Without concerted action, it is estimated that antimicrobial resistance
(AMR) will kill 10 million people globally by 2050. CGD’s global health
policy team recently outlined key policy solutions to address the threat
of AMR in India and Brazil. And on the sidelines of the World Health
Assembly in Geneva last month, CGD experts presented two draft global recommendations to
tackle AMR on both the political and operational fronts. Stay tuned for
CGD’s final working group report on AMR, which will be launched at the
United Nations General Assembly in September this year.
Building on CGD’s extensive commentary informing the Pandemic Fund’s
establishment and operationalization, a new CGD brief looks at how the
newly-created Fund can strategically invest in pandemic preparedness,
including during its first call for proposals for surveillance,
laboratories, and human resources.
Lastly, we take a look at CGD’s role in improving value for money of
healthcare through Health Technology Assessment India (HTAIn), which has
achieved a return on investment of 9:1 since
its establishment in 2017.
For more on health economics, CGD is participating in several events at
IHEA’s 2023 Congress next month, including a roundtable on tracking and measuring
spending for pandemic preparedness and response. To register or for more
details, see CGD’s website.
Please read on for more on our latest research and commentary. As always,
your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions are welcome.
Javier Guzman
Director, Global Health Policy Program and Senior Policy Fellow
Towards the 2024 UNGA
Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance
Turning the
Tide on AMR through Global Cooperation
CGD’s working group on AMR is
developing two key recommendations to tackle the threat of AMR.
First, a ‘Grand Bargain’ outlines principles and commitments for key
stakeholders in the global antimicrobial market. Second, the
establishment of a new global procurement hub for antimicrobials
would support core functions, such as purchasing, distribution, and
providing technical and financial assistance.
Tackling the
Threat of AMR in India and Brazil
Every year, 300,000 and 33,000 people die of drug
resistant infections in India and Brazil, respectively. CGD has
partnered with the Indian School of Business and INCAE Business School to
identify a number of policy options to tackle AMR. Although India and
Brazil face similar challenges in terms of antimicrobial access,
innovation, and stewardship, politically palatable solutions vary
substantially—but if implemented, both countries have the potential
to become regional leaders in the fight against AMR.
Investing in Surveillance
for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
A new policy paper from CGD examines how analyzing the
“best buys” of outbreak surveillance interventions—reflecting
potential costs and benefits—can bolster pandemic preparedness efforts.
Analysis suggests that the payoffs and trade-offs of investments are
not easily assessed before a pandemic, highlighting the need for more
rigorous, independent evaluation of the value and impact of
preparedness investments (including for surveillance) after the fact
to inform future pandemic response investments.
More on PPR
Ending the Scourge of
Lead Poisoning
1 in 3 children suffer from lead poisoning—it causes
irreversible brain damage, and is linked to poor schooling outcomes,
increased crime and violence, and heart and kidney damage. Yet lead
pollution has been sorely neglected by the international
community. A half-day event at CGD brought together
experts to discuss high-impact strategies to create a future free of
lead poisoning—in America and around the world.
Supporting the
Institutionalization of Health Technology Assessment in India
Through the International Decision Support Initiative
(iDSI), CGD has supported the use of cost-effectiveness analysis to
improve the impact of health spending decisions in India. With iDSI
support, HTAIn—the Indian HTA agency established in 2017—has grown
into a network with 18 Regional Resource Centres across India and has
achieved fundamental milestones, including formalizing processes and
procedures and implementing a National Health System Cost
HTAIn has published more than 40 policy briefs assessing a diverse
set of interventions ranging from public health initiatives (e.g.,
cervical cancer screening) to diagnostic tests. It has already shown
its value—after assessing the benefits from three HTAs, we estimate
that for every rupee spent on HTAIn to support priority setting,
India has secured the equivalent of nine rupees in health system
India’s continued commitment to HTA was recently reaffirmed at the
second International Symposium on Health Technology Assessment
organized by HTAIn, CGD, and WHO in March 2023 and attended by the
Honourable Vice President of India Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar. In the
words of Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr Mandaviya,
“HTA is an important mechanism for priority setting in the country to
achieve our goal of providing equitable, better quality health care
services in a cost-effective way.”
CGD will continue to support India, including through HTAIn, to
promote value for money and improved health outcomes.
Research and
- How WHO Can Deliver On its Core Mission of
Science, Knowledge, and Evidence – Victoria Fan,
Amanda Glassman, Javier Guzman
- A Shot at Expanding Gavi’s Impact: Lessons
Learned and Future Opportunities for Global Immunization Efforts
– Morgan Pincombe, Janeen Madan Keller
- USAID Administrator on a Truly New USAID
Health Initiative—Can it Survive? – Nancy
- The Malaria Vaccination Era: How Endemic
Countries and Donors Can Make the Most of R21 –
Tom Drake, Javier Guzman, Peter Baker
- Two Key WHA Resolutions Must Learn from
COVID, and Focus on Universal Scale Up of Oxygen and Essential
Care – Peter Baker
- Universal Health Coverage Won’t Happen
Tomorrow, but Here Are Some Priority-Setting Tools to Help
– Jubilee Ahazie, Victoria Fan
- How Economists got Africa’s AIDS Epidemic
Wrong – Justin Sandefur
- Beyond Cost-Effectiveness: Insights for
Effective Altruism from Health Economics – Tom
Follow our experts on Twitter to
keep up with the latest news and research on global health
Javier Guzman, Director, Global Health Policy Program and Senior
Policy Fellow – @JavierHGuzmanC
Janeen Madan Keller, Policy Fellow and Deputy Director - @JaneenMadan
Peter Baker, Policy Fellow and Deputy Director – @peterbaker17
Prashant Yadav, Senior Fellow – @Prof_Yadav_SCM
Rachel Silverman, Senior Fellow – @rsilv_dc
Anthony McDonnell, Senior Policy Analyst – @apmcdonnell
Srobana Ghosh, Policy Analyst – @srobanaghosh
And keep up with some of
our non-resident fellows too:
Sebastian Bauhoff – @sbauhoff
Ursula Giedion – @ugiedion
Adriane Gheorghe – @adrianegheorghe
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