We have a wide array of courses that are being held from August 7, 2023
to August 9, 2023 as a part of our Conference! You do not need to
be registered for the Conference to attend. Please scroll down
for the pre-conference courses that are being offered.
We are also still accepting registrations for the 2023 Florida CERT
Association State Conference as we celebrate our 20 year
anniversary! The Conference itself is being held from August 10,
2023 to August 12, 2023 with a Welcome Reception for Conference
Attendees being held in the afternoon of August 9, 2023. Our host
hotel is the Rosen Center Hotel in Orlando. Complete Conference
information can be found on our website. ============================================================== NEW THIS YEAR! - Hybrid CERT Train the Trainer
will go in-depth about how to conduct the in-person hands-on portion
of the training. We will do a hands-on review of the 70 skills and
activities in the CERT Skills Checklist, including where to find the
activity instructions, what materials are needed, and how to do the
skill or activity. To help you build your local instructor cadre, we
will review how to conduct your own local instructor orientation
training for Hybrid CERT. We will cover the tools and best practices
for developing and administering the hybrid course from beginning to
end in the most effective way. You will have an opportunity to
develop your course promotion and administrative system tools, so you
are ready to roll by the end of the class. What to bring: Laptop,
Pen, Notebook, Basic CERT Course Instructor Guide, Basic CERT Course
Participant Manual.
THIS YEAR! - PER-334 When Disaster Strikes: Prepare, Act, Survive
This course is designed to prepare individuals who may be directly
affected by a disaster help themselves, their family and other
community members. Participants will learn how to develop a family
preparedness plan, practice self-rescue, perform search and light
rescue techniques, and understand the recovery process.
THIS YEAR! - The Salvation Army - Emergency Disaster Services
Logistics Course
backbone of any disaster operation, the Logistics function is all
about getting the right resources to the right place, at the right
time, in the right quantity, at the right cost. This advanced course
will cover all the essentials of the Logistics function, including
the role and responsibilities of the Logistics Chief; resource
acquisition; supply, facility, vehicle and technology management;
in-kind donations management; and warehouse operations.
THIS YEAR! - G-108 Community Mass Care Management
This course provides training for local communities to prepare for
and manage the Mass Care/Emergency Assistance (MC/EA) functions
effectively. The goal is to prepare community agencies,
organizations, and businesses to work together in coordination with
emergency management and traditional MC providers to plan and provide
MC/EA services to those affected by disaster.
Emergency Response Team (CERT) Train-the-Trainer (TtT)
The purpose of this Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Train-the-Trainer (T-T-T) course is to produce competent instructors
for the CERT Basic Training course. EMI Delivery Only! This course
prepares trainers to deliver the State G428 CERT train-the trainer
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Manager
The audience for this course included professionals and volunteers
who are designated to be or are local CERT Program Manager or for
those already in a CERT Program Manager position.
Volunteer and Donations Management
This training will support local governments and their emergency
management partners in preparing for, responding to, and recovering
from disaster events at the local level. The course is designed to
strengthen the abilities of local jurisdictions to successfully
prepare for and handle volunteer and donations management issues that
may arise. The course content and activities may also serve as a
template, thereby enhancing uniformity in addressing areas of donated
unsolicited goods, unaffiliated volunteers, and undesignated cash.
This training also provides information regarding the state’s
volunteer and donations management responsibilities, which are
designed to help build relationships between government and
non-governmental organizations.
of Spontaneous Volunteers in Disasters
This course is designed to identify those issues and challenges in
the management of spontaneous volunteer; how to manage these
volunteer', develop a plan for your community; learn how to utilize
and operate a Volunteer Reception Center (VRC). This course will also
discuss best practices for managing volunteers including their use by
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training
"Community Emergency Response Teams", CERT- 317, is a
course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those wanting to
complete training or as a refresher for current team members. CERT
Program educated citizens about disaster preparedness for hazards
that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response
skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team
organization, and disaster medical operations.
We hope you will join us for some of these exciting offerings as well
as help us celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Florida CERT
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