Friday, July 21, 2023

Situation Awareness: DHS Office of Inspector General. DHS Semiannual Report to Congress - October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023

 A Message from the Inspector General

I am pleased to submit our Semiannual Report to Congress summarizing the work and accomplishments of the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General from October 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023. We publish this report as the Department marks the 20th anniversary of its creation. The scope of the DHS mission and the breadth of its work have transformed dramatically since 2003, and with it the nature of our mission and work at DHS OIG. I have had the honor of leading DHS OIG since July 2019, and I am proud of the tremendous improvements we have made to our organization. 

Using our Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Workplan to drive performance and measure success, we continue to demonstrate progress in the quantity and quality of our work and the morale of our employees, which is at an all-time high. As we enter into a new decade of service, we will continue to build on those successes. We are grateful to our collaboration with external partners, like the U.S. Government Accountability Office and MITRE, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center, for their support in our continuing organizational transformation. 

Our greatest resource continues to be our workforce and the relationships we have with Congress, the Department, and other stakeholders. I am extremely proud of, and grateful for, our more than 750 professional, career employees and their integrity, dedication, and commitment to excellence. 

As we look back on the past two decades, I acknowledge and celebrate DHS OIG’s “plank holders” - current employees who were with DHS during its creation in 2003. We are all grateful for their service and continued commitment to our mission.

In total, during this reporting period, we issued 19 reports containing 79 recommendations to improve DHS programs and operations. Our audit work also identified more than $7.4 million in questioned costs. In addition, we initiated 195 investigations, closed 191 investigations, and issued 172 investigative reports. Our investigative activities resulted in 54 arrests, 50 convictions, and more than $14.4 million in recoveries, restitution, and fines.

We continue to prioritize detecting and deterring pandemic-related fraud. Since January 2020, DHS OIG has received more than 8,000 COVID-19 related complaints resulting in hundreds of high impact investigations. 

To date, our COVID-19-related investigations have resulted in 71 indictments, 21 criminal informations, 41 convictions, and more than $8.5 million in recoveries, restitution, and fines.

During this reporting period, we also reported on a wide range of other high-priority, high-risk areas, including:

•Border Security
•Preparedness and Resilience
•Counter Terrorism

As the Department performs its tremendous mission, we will continue to provide rigorous, independent, and objective oversight, to promote excellence, integrity, and accountability across the Department. 

Thank you for your support of our work

Joseph V. Cuffari, Ph.D. 
Inspector General





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