National Mitigation Planning
Program Webinar Series: From Policy to Action
your calendar for FEMA’s upcoming From Policy to Action webinar!
FEMA is holding a webinar
series for anyone involved in hazard mitigation. This series
focuses on putting mitigation planning policy into action. Each
webinar discusses key policy topics. They highlight planning
resources, best practices, and lessons learned from case studies
across the country. Listen in to hear from FEMA, its partners,
communities and other experts in the field.
Join us for the second webinar
in the series on mitigation policy in action!
Planning for Equitable Mitigation
Thursday, Sept. 14, 1 – 2 p.m. ET
By centering equity in the
mitigation planning process, we can create a plan that benefits the
whole community. This includes its most vulnerable residents. This
webinar will highlight updates to FEMA’s mitigation planning
policy. It shares data tools you can use to identify and engage
socially vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in your community. It
will also feature a case study of the city of Oakland’s Equitable
Climate Adaptation Plan and how the city carried its equity-focused
planning processes into the local hazard mitigation plan.
Learn about the different
types of equity that emerge in the planning process. Hear why
equity matters, and how to use both tools and community
conversations to create a more equitable hazard mitigation
Attendees may be eligible for 1 Continuing Education
Credit from the Association of State Floodplain Managers and 1
Certification Maintenance Credit from the American Institute of
Certified Planners.
Email fema-mitigation-planning@fema.dhs.gov.
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