Wednesday, September 20, 2023

$575 million Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Climate Resilience Regional Challenge.


NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge

A Competitive Funding Opportunity

Approximately $575 million is available for projects that build the resilience of coastal communities to extreme weather (e.g., hurricanes and storm surge) and other impacts of climate change, including sea level rise and drought.

Funding was made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, a historic, federal government-wide investment that is advancing NOAA’s efforts to build Climate-Ready Coasts. This page is focused on the Climate Resilience Regional Challenge, which is administered by NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management. (For information on NOAA’s other Inflation Reduction Act investments, visit this webpage.)

  • The focus of this grant program is on collaborative approaches to achieving resilience in coastal regions. Proposed projects should address risk reduction, regional collaboration, and equity, and build enduring capacity for adaptation. Use this information resource, and view the video below, to learn more.

  • NOAA technical assistance is available for organizations applying for and receiving a grant. Many technical assistance options are available, including data, tools, training, and access to NOAA expertise. Visit the technical assistance page to learn more. 

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