Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Recovery\Homelessness in Maui. HUD stepping up to its lead role in disasters. September 2023.

Breaking NewsHUD Announces Funding to Support People
Experiencing Homelessness in Maui through
Rapid Response Program

WASHINGTON - Today the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
awarded $1.3 Million to the state of Hawai’i to support people experiencing homelessness –
those living in an emergency shelter, transitional housing, or a place not meant for human
habitation – and people at risk of homelessness through the department’s Rapid Unsheltered
Survivor Housing (RUSH) program. This funding is awarded to help communities in Maui in the
wake of the wildfires.

While FEMA, the Red Cross and local community members have stepped up to assist survivors,
the severity of the damage and displacement experienced in Lahaina and Upcountry Maui has
exceeded local sheltering capacity and more assistance is needed. RUSH funding is responding
to the surge in shelter needs to assist the community in addressing homelessness that could be
exacerbated by the disaster. The funding HUD is making available in this announcement will
help ensure that most people experiencing homelessness are not forgotten.

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