I don't not say this lightly.
Thank you honorable Andrews Williams (HH Andrew Williams, Jr. , www.AndrewNetworks.com, Andrew Williams Jr Brand Ambassador, HH Andrew Williams Jr LinkedIn, about.me/hhprinceandrewwilliamsjr) for your continued and unwavering commitment to the:
1. United Nations International Day\Decade for People of African Descent
2. Promotion and advocacy for increasing membership throughout the world in the
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
Charles D. Sharp. Chair\CEO BEMA International. Washington, D.C.
International Day for People of African Descent 08/31/2023 12:13 PM EDT Antony
J. Blinken, Secretary of State Every
August 31st, the world comes together through the UN International Day
for People of African Descent to honor the shared heritage, diverse culture,
and profound influence of Africans and the global African diaspora. This day
also serves as an opportunity to raise global awareness about the challenges
of systemic racism, discrimination, and exclusion faced by individuals of
African descent worldwide. In
December 2022, President Biden issued an executive order to create the
President’s Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United
States. In June 2022, I appointed Desirée Cormier Smith as the inaugural
Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice at the State Department.
Since then, she has diligently coordinated the Department’s efforts
to combat global anti-Black racism and advance the human rights of
individuals from marginalized racial, ethnic, and Indigenous communities
worldwide through our foreign policy. On
this day, we reaffirm our commitment to the theme of the UN
International Decade for People of African Descent: recognition, justice, and
bEMA International
Washington, D.C. 20020
Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication, Coordination, Community
engagement, and Partnering (C5&P)
A 501
(c) 3 organization
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