Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Join FEMA’s Mobile App Beta Testing Program October 24, 2023



Join FEMA’s Mobile App Beta Testing Program

The FEMA App team is recruiting volunteers to join the Beta Testing program for the FEMA mobile app. Volunteers will provide feedback and help improve the FEMA disaster survivor experience for all users on mobile devices. Sign up for the Beta program at Become a FEMA App Beta Tester | FEMA.gov.


The FEMA App is a vital source of information for survivors. Ensuring its functionality is crucial to providing an accessible, frustration-free customer experience.


“As with all apps, the FEMA app needs to go through regular updates and feature enhancements,” said Digital Product Manager Olivia Delfert. “These updates show up differently depending on your phone, carrier, operating system and other factors. The more variety of users we have testing the app updates under different circumstances, the higher our chance of catching bugs before the updates are launched and the better our customer experience. We also want to capture a variety of users. People will interpret information differently, and we want to ensure the app is as intuitive as possible for everyone.”


While all testers are welcome, the team is particularly interested in hearing user perspectives from former disaster survivors, individuals with access and functional needs, Spanish App users and local hires. Testers will be given access to an app testing environment with a list of questions to guide their exploration, prompting them to provide feedback on different parts of the FEMA app on their personal phone prior to large FEMA app updates.


Please note that the beta versions of the FEMA app are early-stage iterations. They are still in development, contain known issues and are updated regularly.


To learn more about FEMA mobile products, including the FEMA App, visit FEMA Mobile Products | FEMA.gov.

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