Monday, November 13, 2023

SPACE: Webinar. Purpose-Built Linux for Aerospace and Defense ON DEMAND

Purpose-Built Linux for Aerospace and Defense
Since 2016, open-source software has become a focal point of the US military’s software development strategy (The People’s Code | (, with the Department of Defense becoming one of the largest users of open-source Linux distributions. They hoped that this change would lead to faster and more efficient innovation, while allowing advancements to be shared across projects and industries. Across the A&D space, we see a similar push, with many projects facing similar challenges and turning to lean on proven, reliable software.

In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits that purpose-built Linux provides to developers building applications for embedded systems in the aerospace and defense industry.
Join Nicole Robinson and Daniel Gizinski as they discuss the importance of hybrid networks for all-domain operations; the U.S. Space Force Enterprise SATCOM vision; and Comtech’s move to virtualized solutions and services.
You will learn:
  • What issues embedded developers face when building applications
  • Why developers work with Linux
  • How purpose-built Linux can decrease time-to-market and improve application safety
Presented in Partnership with

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