Thursday, April 25, 2024

Funding Resource Report Updates New Postings & 60-Day Deadlines: April 24th, 2024


New Postings & 60-Day Deadlines



Funding Resource Report Updates

New Postings & 60-Day Deadlines: April 24th, 2024

Resource Report Updates are provided nationally from FEMA Interagency Recovery Coordination (IRC) Resource Identification staff. Reports may include information on potential grants, loans, technical assistance, & organization profiles. 

Resource Reports for Reference (download & share, please don't publish). Each report includes National & State, Local, Territory, Tribe (SLTT) Locality-Specific opportunities.

For resource identification questions or if you have difficulty opening associated links or documents; please reach out to: &

Thank you!

Resource reports and associated communications are not final policy interpretations nor guarantees of funding and do not constitute an endorsement by FEMA for any specific program or entity.

  • If this newsletter was forwarded and you wish to Subscribe, please visit this link.


FEMA Announces $117 Million for Emergency Food & Shelter Program to Fight Hunger, Homelessness |

160+ Applications Submitted to “Internet for All” Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program |

EPA $20 billion in green bank grants for clean energy projects | PBS NewsHour

IBHS ranks hurricane coast states on building code adoption, enforcement | Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety

How Oysters Help Fight Climate Change |

Rural Decentralized Water Systems Grant Program | USDA Rural Development

Drinking Water Grants | US EPA / Water Technical Assistance Request Form | US EPA

Get Local Small Business Assistance - enter zip code | SBA

Survey on Excessive Heat in Schools | NEA

Tell us how Weather Disasters affect your personal finances | NPR

Texas: Houston, Harris County get two-year extension to distribute Hurricane Harvey relief funding | Houston Public Media

New Hampshire: Seacoast cities, towns to get FEMA funds to fix January storm damage

Vermont: FEMA awards over $22 million to VT for July storms and flooding recovery costs | Vermont Business Magazine

Hawai'i: Civil Air Patrol Seeks Funding To Continue Its Mission | Honolulu Civil Beat

Florida: Fort Myers to build affordable housing |

California: Insurers must give discounts for Wildfire Mitigation | MSN

California: Federal Disaster Declaration for February storms | Los Angeles Times

U.S. Virgin Islands: FEMA commits $384 million to rebuild educational facilities on the islands of St. Croix and St. Thomas |

Georgia: President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda Supports Flood Reduction Infrastructure Project in Historic Savannah Community |

Events & Dates of Interest

Grant & Resource Links

BRIC Direct Technical Assistance | / BRIC Request Form

Build America Buy America | U.S. Department of Commerce

CDBG-DR Active Disaster Grants | HUD Exchange

Center for Disaster Philanthropy | Grantmaking Process

Climate Adaptation Planning / Planning Guides |

Cybersecurity Technical Assistance & Workshop Request Form |

Department of the Interior (DOI) Funding Opportunities |

Disaster Recovery & Resilience Resource Library |

Disaster Recovery Resources |

Disaster Relief & Recovery Services | American Red Cross

Economic Development Administration | Funding Opportunities

EPA's Role in Disaster Recovery | US EPA

Faith-Based Communities, Orgs, & Insts - Resources for Leaders |

Guidebook to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law | | The White House

Hazard Mitigation Plan Status |

HHS Funding Opportunities |

HUD Disaster Resources

Local Infrastructure Hub: BIL Funding Opportunities Search / Resources

National Trust for Historic Preservation: | Grant Programs

Neighborhood Revitalization | Habitat for Humanity / Impact | Funding Opportunities

Rural Development - | Programs

Small Business Administration | Grants

Water Technical Assistance Request Form | US EPA

DRL Link for Users


Greetings colleagues,

As new funding programs and resources are posted, updates via this bulletin will be sent weekly on Wednesdays by approximately 3:30 pm Eastern time. You are encouraged to review associated documents for any resource of interest. Please utilize the contact information for details direct from the experts on each listing.

Potential funding resources are identified for general informational purposes and are compiled or provided with publicly obtainable information. This is not a complete roster of all available programs. Please view this communication and linked reports only as a starting point for individual research. The user should always directly consult the provider of a potential resource for current program information and to verify the applicability of a particular program.

Resources referenced in the weekly reports generally have one-time deadlines. For additional resources that accept applications on a rolling basis, please reference the searchable Recovery & Resilience Resource Library.

FEMA Disaster Resource Library

The Resource Reports provided in this communication were exported from the FEMA Disaster Resource Library (DRL). The FEMA Office of Assessment and Technology (OAT) manages and maintains the DRL. The Disaster Resource Library in MAX-TRAX is an online repository of resources useful in planning for and recovering from a disaster. It is accessible to federal employees and approved non-federal stakeholders. Information can be searched, filtered, and reported.

Questions about the Disaster Resource Library? Email:


FEMA website link

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