Tuesday, August 13, 2024

CORRECTED LINKS: FEMA Releases Updated Guide to Help Communities with Resilience Grants Process


CORRECTED LINKS: FEMA Releases Updated Guide to Help Communities with Resilience Grants Process

bullhorn5Following valuable feedback from grant applicants, FEMA has updated the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guide to make it more user-friendly. 

The update consolidates information and eligibility requirements for Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) projects addressing air quality, drought, extreme temperatures, wildfire and wind. It also reflects recent policy changes to simplify program delivery through streamlined cost effectiveness methods and a lower benefit-cost analysis discount rate.

State, local, tribal and territorial governments may use the guide to navigate the application process and manage the grant lifecycle to receive critical resilience dollars. Information in the guide includes policies and processes to enable effective and consistent implementation across all HMA programs.

HMA provides funding to reduce the risk and impact of disasters such as wildfires, drought, extreme heat, hurricanes, earthquakes and flooding. Programs in HMA are Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC), Flood Mitigation Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and HMGP Post Fire.

The update follows the update last year—the first since 2015—that incorporated climate change and future conditions, equity, building codes, capability and capacity building, nature-based solutions and community lifelines as key principles for its grant programs. It was also the first guide to cover BRIC.

This aligns with FEMA’s “people first” approach and helps communities build climate resilience through reducing complexity and barriers to accessing our HMA grant funds. It also aligns with the 2024 FEMA Year of Resilience theme to build capacity to withstand tomorrow’s hazards.

FEMA is offering two Office Hours sessions which provides an overview of the recent updates. Registration is now open.

  • Session #1: Aug. 15, 2-3 p.m. ET (Corrected link)
  • Session #2: Sept. 12, 2-3 p.m. ET (Corrected link)

Visit FEMA.gov to access the guide.

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